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C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    8 replies to "A Quick Word About the Credo House Coffee Shop"

    • Steven Francis

      Thank you, Michael. The coffee shop is a great ministry, with an important place in the Body of Christ. Anything that strengthens the Body of Christ, will be blessed by the Lord. As long as it is done properly.
      As you know, many inmates at Centinela State Prison, greatly benefited by the materials that you provided to our chapels. It is so unfortunate that the chaplain that is serving there now, rejects the teaching that he grew up with, and will not use those materials.
      Several of the men that I took through different modules, are not pastoring churches or are on pastoral staffs. Others are teaching in churches and a number are teaching their children, the truths of the Word of God and our faith. And, a number of them, remain in prison and are still teaching Bible studies in chapels, in housing units and on the yards.
      Thanks for investing in the incarcerated Body of Christ.

      • Eric Quek

        Bridging Generations: The Theological Parallels of Michael Patton and Francis Schaeffer at the Heart of Credo Coffee House (CCH)

        Attending: Michael Patton (A theologian who has completed all their training and is fully licensed to minister. Similar to an Attending Physician who has completed all their training and fully licensed to practice that specialty without supervision. As oppose to Fellow—completed residency training and choose to undergo further specialize training in a specialty)
        Objective: Both Patton and Schaeffer have recognized and addressed the challenges faced by seekers of truth. Whether in the turbulence of the 20th century or the complexities of the present day 21th century such as rise of “nones”—appeal of secular or spiritual but not religious worldviews, pluralism and secularism, technology and digitalization—requiring Christian leaders to be technologically savvy, navigating consumer driven culture so that Christian message is relevant and authentic.
        Francis Schaeffer (late) pioneered a thoughtful engagement with culture, art, theology, philosophy and addressing them head-on. He established L’Abri in Switzerland which served as a refuge for those wrestling with faith, reason, doubt, creating a space for intellectual and spiritual exploration.
        Similarities between both:
        1) Passion for Education. Educate public on theological matters. Schaeffer’s L’Abri was a center for people to come and engage in deep discussions about faith, while Patton’s Credo House provides courses and seminars to deepen theological and understanding.
        2) Engagement with Contemporary issues: Both do no shy away from addressing the pressing theological and cultural issues of their times. They believed in the importance of the Church being relevant and speaking to the challenges faced by contemporary world. The only drawback about Credo Coffee House is unlike L’Abri a community where people could stay and immerse themselves in discussions and learning, Patton’s Credo Coffee House, while a space for gathering and learning, does not have the same residential community.
        3) Well-known Christians who studied under Francis Schaeffer: Os Guinness—author and social critic have written and edited more than 30 books; Nancy Pearcy—currently a professor and scholar in residence at Houston Baptist University. One of top five women apologist by Christianity Today magazine; Chuck Colson—former Nixon aide and founder of Prison Fellowship, credited Schaeffer for influencing his thinking; Jerram Barrs—professor at Covenant Theological Seminary and founder of their Fracis A. Schaeffer Institute.
        Location: Credo Coffee House. 1209 Cedar Ridge Road Edmond OK 73013
        Concluding thoughts: Like Schaeffer, Patton provides a framework for Christians to engage with the broader culture, emphasizing the importance of a biblical worldview that integrates both the spiritual and the physical, the subjective and the objective. He offers CCH as a space where individuals could wrestle with these big questions in a thoughtful and supportive way.
        Disclosure: I have no financial conflicts of interest to declare. However, I must acknowledge that I have greatly benefited from the teachings and insights of Michael Patton. I hold his endeavors in high regards and, like many others, am eager and willing to offer my support in any tangible way possible. Similar, to the customary disclosures made in medical lectures, my endorsement is based on genuine admiration and not on any monetary considerations.

        • C Michael Patton

          Well, Eric. That was creative. What a blessing to be compared to that man. He was a giant.

        • Eric Quek

          Thank you, Michael. It that’s creative, then I appreciate your compliment. The comparison was drawn from a genuine observation of how your work speaks for itself, without needing endorsement from high-profile Christian leaders. My intention was simply to organize and highlight the parallels for all to see. Your dedication to educating and engaging with contemporary issues mirrors the legacy he left. It’s an honor to recognize the work you do and the impact you’ve made. Blessings to you and your continued endeavors!

        • C Michael Patton

          Has anyone ever told you you have the gift of encouragement?!

      • C Michael Patton

        Thanks Steve. That is so great to hear!!!

    • Steven Francis

      BTW: I really wish that I could do more in support of the ministry.

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