The Discipleship Program: Jump start your journey of faith with this 10 session program on the basics of Christian belief and practice.

How to Love God with Your Mind
How to Love God with Your Strength
10 Myths about God

Michael Patton ThM, President Credo House Ministries
Michael has a Master of Theology degree in New Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary as well and a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from the University of Biblical Studies and Seminary in Bethany, OK.
Tim Kimberley, Director of Ministries at Frontline Church
Tim received a bachelor of arts in Management Information Systems from the University of Northern Iowa. He received a master of theology degree in Historical Theology and Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary.

Who Is This Strange Creature
People, even Christians, are confused about what man is. Who can explain the strange ways of humankind? The Bible says a lot about man (no surprise). In fact, it says that God created man in his own image.
How does this impact our understanding of how we should treat our fellow man? Do humans have an innate worth and dignity that must be respected? Or can we just do what feels good even if it harms someone?
The Bible
The Foundation of Christianity
The Bible is where it all started. It’s like a mini-library of 66 books, divided into 2 groups, written by about 40 authors, over 2,000 years. Why is it so important to understand the Bible? Because the Bible is God’s word to man.
That doesn’t mean that Christians don’t learn from their church, tradition, more mature Christians, nature, etc. But it all has to agree with the Bible. Sound a little odd? You’re not alone. While the Bible is central to faith, the Bible isn’t a book of magic.

The Trinity
The Nature of God
You need to know who God is, so we can serve him. In the third session you’ll learn what the Trinity is (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and some misunderstandings, that keep popping up throughout history.
This doctrine is important for both new and mature Christians to understand. The doctrine of the Trinity has been attacked from the very beginning. Some say that God is one person who just expresses himself in multiple ways.
The Son of God Revealed
You may have noticed that there’s a flavor of Jesus for just about any situation. Want a loving, caring, kind Jesus? What about a vengeful and revenging Jesus?

Look long enough and you’ll find someone who’s willing to sell you the kind of Jesus you want to buy. Some say that Jesus isn’t God but just a highly exalted angel. What does the Bible say about Jesus? Is Jesus God?

Living with God
Disc 3 is where we’ll transition from talking about what to believe to how to live your faith. Prayer is a part of almost every Christian’s life. In fact, in first the New Testament the Apostle Paul says that Christians should “pray without ceasing.” What does this mean? How should Christians pray?
Bible Study
Living with God’s Word
Since Christians believe the Bible is God’s word, they believe that it’s important to study what it says. Michael and Tim will help show you that it’s not enough to just know what the Bible says but to study it for ourselves and come to our own conclusions and convictions about what God would have us to do.
The Substance of Things Hoped For

You don’t have to leave your brain at the door when you become a Christian. Even though following God requires faith, it isn’t a blind faith. It’s not a leap into the dark. If you’ve ever struggled with this question or you have a friend who’s concerned that they may have to give up reason and logic to be a Christian, this program is for you. Here’s how Michael and Tim answer the objection, “Christianity is just blind faith.”

Living with God’s People
Christians aren’t perfect people. You probably already know this. So how should Christians live with each other? In the eighth session of the Discipleship Program, you’ll learn how to live with God’s people in the context of a loving and supportive local church and why it’s crucial to your spiritual growth.

Living as Lights
Before Jesus left earth he told his disciples to go out into all the world and make disciples. In the final session of this program, you’ll learn how to follow Jesus’ example and command and begin to spread the word about God’s plan for mankind to others.
Living with Pain and Suffering
One of the hardest and most pressing questions people have today is, “If there is an all loving God out there why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?” Knowing how to live through sadness and sorrow with dignity is an important skill every Christian should study. How will you answer the question, “God just wants us to be healthy and wealthy?”

The term “discipleship” has developed into a kind of fashionable, overly used, “Christianese” buzzword in some evangelical Christian circles today. A case could be made that certain modern-day expressions of discipleship have lost depth, historical footing, and maybe even some of the weighty supernatural implications.
Beginning with an accessible presentation of orthodox Christian doctrine, Credo House teachers invite viewers to explore how these bedrock beliefs can actually transform a stagnant, stationary Christian walk into something purposeful and alive. Above all else, viewers will come to learn that this is because Christ is still alive. The Discipleship Program is an invaluable tool for any kind of Christian–new and uncertain, or wise and well established.
Shane Langford
Student at Dallas Theological Seminary

This is a fantastic study- one that helps us to know and remember (1) what are the essential things should we believe as Christians and (2) how should we live as Christians. Not surprisingly, the list is far shorter than we make it out to be. 5 essential beliefs, 5 essential practices. Highly recommended for any new believer, and for any believer that is looking for clear ways to communicate Christian belief and practice to others.
Chris Gray
Executive Pastor

Really enjoyed going through the Discipleship program. Tim and Michael definitely know what they are talking about. I would recommend this to anyone looking to learn more about Christianity.
Garrett Klaassen
Barista at Fullfilled Coffee Company

4 DVDs: If you choose the DVD+Workbook bundle, you’ll not only get access to all the digital downloads, but we’ll also ship you all four DVDs (allow 4-6 weeks for delivery) with every session of the Discipleship Program.
1 Printed Workbook: The 150+ page workbook for the Discipleship Program is especially helpful if you like taking notes with a pen and paper while you watch.
1 PDF Workbook: Get the electronic version of the workbook and take it with you without the hassle of lugging around the print copy.
10 Video Downloads: With the digital bundle you’ll get instant access to all 10 of the sessions from this course as a digital download you can take with you anywhere.
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10 PowerPoint Downloads: Take the Discipleship Program to the next level by teaching it to someone else, a small group, or your Sunday school, etc. using the same PowerPoints we used when creating this program.

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- 4 DVDs
- 1 Printed Workbook
- 10 Video Downloads
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- 10 PowerPoint Downloads
- 1 PDF Workbook
- Access to 28 Classes Online
- 192 Sessions
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