I love movies. Probably too much. Definitely too much. I always think about whether something is beneficial or not. I am continually asking if such and such movie is promoting good or evil. I often don’t know. However, I have come up with three rules of thumb that I use in evaluation (I have written on this before). This is especially helpful when it comes to what I will let my kids watch.

Forgive my acronym, but it fits: CAN. You know…as in “Can I watch this daddy?”

Before I list them, understand that these three are in relation to sinful behavior in entertainment. The question is not simply does the movie contain sinful behavior (which is often where we stop), but does it have sinful behavior in relation to these three.



Is the sinful behavior celebrated? In other words, does the movie glorify the bad behavior.


Is the sinful behavior accessible? This speaks to the practical nature of the behavior. Is it something that we can expect people to actually do?


Is the sinful behavior normalized? This speaks to the cultural acceptance of the behavior. Is it something that says “Everyone is doing it, you should not be afraid to do the same?”

Now let’s flesh this out some. I am not saying that all of these things have to be present. Nor am I saying that only one will have to be present.

For example, take Harry Potter. Here we are almost a decade after these movies began to be made. They are still making Harry Potter movies which gross a few hundred million each. Kids are still seeing them and they are still reading the books. Witchcraft is still evil. But you know what? I have never once in my life seen a warlock. We are not having a witch epidemic in this country. Even if you saw every one of the movies and read every one of the books there is virtually no chance you will be involved in more witchcraft than if you had not seen it. Millions of dollars and tons of time has been wasted by the church on all these Harry Potter warning campaigns. Why? Because the fantasy of Harry Potter is not accessible. It is just not the issue here in America. A young boy has no more likelihood to become a warlock by watching Harry Potter than does the same kid have a likelihood of becoming a superhero by watching Superman. The same is true with the Twilight trilogy. I have yet to see any vampires produced. Remember Star Wars and its relation to pantheism? One of the most watched movies of all time and you probably do not know any pantheists produced from the movie. While one might be able to argue that the “bad behavior” in these movies is celebrated, we have to realize that, for the most part, the accessibility is just not there. It is fantasy. 

Now take celebration. Often I find that movies contain bad behavior that are both accessible and normalized, but not celebrated. This is often a very good quality. A good illustration is country music. I live in Oklahoma where we love country songs. Its all about divorce, drinking, and bars. Bad stuff right? However, this does not mean that it always has an negative influence. You know what happens when you play a country song backward don’t you? You sober up, get your truck back, your girl back, and your dog back. The point is that in many (not all) country songs, they have so much bad behavior, but the consequences are depressing and sad. The behavior has serious consequences. It is not celebrated or glorified at all. Normally, in movies, so long as the bad behavior is not celebrated in any way, I am not as concerned as I would otherwise be. If the bad behavior has dire consequences illustrated, then it moves it up a few more points.

The Bible does the same. There is so much bad behavior that is accounted for in the Bible. Think about it. If Hollywood were to turn the Bible into film, it would most definitely be rated “R”. However, the evil actions are not celebrated.

I remember Denzel Washington, who is a Christian (from what I hear), would not play in the movie Training Day unless his character was killed at the end. He said that his character was so evil that he must suffer the consequences of his bad behavior. The question here is not whether or not the evil is present, but is it celebrated?

An opposite example is the 80’s sit-com Cheers. Some of you can hang with me here. It was my absolute favorite show on TV. I never missed an episode. What a cast. However, Sam Malone, the show’s central character, could not be accused of being a Christian moral example. He was a womanizer. Not only this, but he was a heroic womanizer, celebrated by every passer-by in every episode. The celebration of womanizing was a problem. It could create a sense in the viewer (especially males) that in order to be “successful” and liked by everyone, you have to be as much like Sam Malone as possible. Not only is womanizing celebrated, but it is accessible. People actually can and do become sexually promiscuous. It actually is a temptation.

Finally, another characteristic I look for is the normalization of the behavior. Sometimes the behavior, while it may not necessarily be celebrated, is accessible and normalized. A normalized behavior is one that everyone is doing. If there are no consequences, and the people who are participating are the “heroes” of the story, then this can have a negative influence. For example, premarital sex is normalized in most entertainment today to the point that if one does not participate, they are the odd fanatics. In the end, people want to be “normal.” I want to be “normal.” This is not the issue. The issue is who do we let define normal? When bad behavior is normalized, whether it be premarital sex, homosexual behavior, drugs abuse, drunkenness, or otherwise, this can be a sign that the entertainment will have a negative influence.

There are other issues involved, I know. Is this or that evil behavior gratuitous? Is the entertainment meant to be historical? These are all issues to think about. But what I have found is that these three questions cover most issues, whether it be movies, songs, or any other way we engage in entertainment.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    62 replies to "What Movies CAN a Christian Watch?"

    • Daniel Eaton

      Great piece, Michael! I couldn’t agree with you more! I tried to express the same ideas when I did some presentations on Harry Potter, Wicca, and the Occult several years ago, but you do a much better job of laying it out than I did. 🙂

    • Jeph

      I think there’s no way we can evaluate whether a movie crosses the line unless we watch it.

      • Scott Chapman

        This is why the movie is rated. To give you a very good idea what a movies content and appropriateness

    • Delwyn X. Campbell

      I disagree with you about Star Wars, for I HAVE met many people who were influenced by the pantheistic theology that pervades the series. As far as Training day goes, I would have preferred to see his character repent than get killed, but maybe that’s because I just like Denzel.

      In addition, whether or not kids could become warlocks, they can become enchanted with wiccan philosophy. The sexuality that goes with Vampire-themed movies likewise applies. Perhaps you are simply justifying what you like.

    • Truth Unites... and Divides

      While Jeph is right, I’d like to gain clarification from CMP on this:

      “The question is not simply does the movie contain sinful behavior (which is often where we stop), but does it have sinful behavior in relation to these three.”

      Suppose a movie has 2 of the 3. Can a Christian watch it?

      In other words, if a movie does *not* have all 3 of the attributes in “CAN”, can a Christian watch it?

      Lastly, there seem to be more and more movies and tv programming that normalize homosexuality (among other vices, such as fornication (ala Sam Malone) and adultery)).

      If these pro-gay movies and tv shows do not have all 3 of the CAN attributes, can the Christian watch them?

      P.S. I have never watched an episode of “Glee.” Some of the trailers on tv looked pretty bad. Unedifying. Can a Christian watch “Glee”?

    • Liam Moran


      Excellent article. I think that we as believers have to be discerning in these matters. I think this is a matter of Christian liberty and I think we need to avoid making a list of appropriate movies for Christians to see and not to see.

    • Daniel Eaton

      I have never met a pantheist that became so because of Star Wars. They may use it to *support* their pantheist ideas, but had them BEFORE ever seeing a movie that incorporated that idea. In other words, the movie didn’t convert someone, but attracted the converts. The idea that the movie influenced people is like saying there are so many conservatives because of Fox News instead of the actual causation that Fox News is so popular because there are so many conservatives.

    • cherylu


      I honestly don’t understand why a movie like Harry Potter that celebrates something evil like witch craft is seen to be ok by so many Christians. If God says it is evil, and you obviously believe that, why should we as Christians watch it or let our kids watch it and read the books? Just doesn’t seem right to me. Surely we can find entertainment that doesn’t celebrate evil. After all, should we take pleasure in what God calls evil?

    • Ed Kratz


      I would say that if homosexuality is celebrated or normalized this is not a good movie/show. If it is shown to be destructive toward the family and society then many points gained.

      I think that much of what is in tv these days seeks to normalize and celebrate sin. This approach is subtle and very damaging.

    • Truth Unites... and Divides


      I would say that if homosexuality is celebrated or normalized this is not a good movie/show.

      I watched a few episodes of “Will and Grace”. It’s not a good show for Christians and children to watch.

      Side Question: What if public school education celebrates or normalizes homosexuality? And parents don’t get to opt out. What then?

    • Heather

      I completely disagree with this assessment and, as a follower of Theology Unplugged, I’m disappointed.

      I do think there is a tendency to justify what we enjoy; for some of us, we justify the loose sexuality in chick flicks. For others, we justify the mindless violence, profane talk, and disturbing images in movies like Fight Club. Some of us will justify Fight Club according to a Christian worldview; some of us will justify chick flicks.

      My personal belief is that your walk with God is reflected by your choices (you will know them by their fruits,” the Bible tells us), including media choices. When I’m walking closely with the Lord, I have patience for very, very few movies. When I’m not walking closely with Him, I’m much more willing to justify films (or books) based on my preference.

      You bring up the Bible, arguing that it could be R-rated. While the idea of rating the Bible troubles me…

      • Scott

        The desire to put an unwarranted R rating on the Bible is an attempt to justify the watching of just about anything.
        The Holy Word of God is a perfect testament of Jesus Christ.
        For anyone to put an R rating, Or any rating upon it is blasphemy.
        God rates us, we do not rate God.

    • Ed Kratz


      This is not a hill upon which I would die but I see a great difference in Harry Potter and the witchcraft and necromancy spoken of in the ot. First and foremost Harry Potter is fantasy. It does not suggest that what Harry Potter does is real or accessible. I would see it the same way as Lord o the Rings and Narnia.

      If there were a movie that both promoted and celebrated a type of witchcraft that was accessible then I would think differently.

      Hope that makes sense.

      • Scott

        God-sent the flood because the imaginations of men were constantly upon evil.
        So God was even against evil That could Be Imagined.
        The word says that even if a man that looked upon a woman with lust in his hart. That man hath committed adultery.
        So what you feed on naturally and spiritually and mentally is what the person you become.
        So your mother was right, you are what you eat.

    • Ed Kratz

      By the way: have not seen Twilight and don’t like Harry Potter. I can’t speak to any sexually promiscuity that might be celebrated or normalized in Twilight. Therefore don’t see this as a promotion of any movies (much less a justification).

      I do sometimes watch things I should not. I hope I can better practice what I preach. I do believe that entertainment is a gif of God but is very dangerous in the hands of the devil.

    • Heather

      …I think there’s a point you’re missing. The stories in the Bible all exist to demonstrate the glory of God in some way; are characters in movies who engage in sinful behavior, then experience consequences, demonstrating the glory of God? Sometimes. But I would argue that you can’t justify a scene of sinful behavior in a film simply because consequences are shown.

      There are our own hearts to consider.

      I’d also argue your point about Harry Potter and other fantasy films not being “accessible.” What do we mean by the word “accessible”? For many children, Harry is a likable, accessible character – and encourages a desire in witchcraft. See the following link for letters from Rowling’s fans who indicate interest in witchcraft after reading the series: http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles/Harry&Witchcraft.htm

      All that said, I’m not saying I necessarily have a problem with HP – but I do think it’s dangerous to label it as OK based on your formula here.

    • Truth Unites... and Divides

      I like action movies.

      A lot of action movies are R-rated, have violence, have swearing, and sometimes have sex scenes in them.

      I publicly confess to watching them, and worse, enjoying them.

      I like to see the bad guys get killed. I still retain the vestiges of being a little boy at heart.

      Good guys versus bad guys. Bad guys get killed. Yaaay!!

    • Don Sartain

      Very good insight! Thanks for sharing!

    • Dan Wilson

      Great perspective. I think it is important to think about the influence media has on us and to recognize that these rules are not always black and white issues. This can be much more a “weaker brother” situation. While watching movie A with mild sexual content may be acceptable for Christian 1 because in a place of maturity it does not affect them adversely for Christian 2 struggling with sexual issues it may indeed be a major stumbling block.

      For folks looking for the answer to the question “Is Harry Potter bad?” or “Is Twilight OK?” This ambiguity is troubling but the real answer is “I don’t know – you have to figure out what is edifying or destructive for your spiritual life yourself.” These questions can help us think clearly through these issues.

    • Ed Kratz


      Grateful for your wise addition my friend.

    • Mike

      Thanks Michael. This post have given me much to think about.

    • Daniel Eaton

      I’d suggest that those that have a problem with the “witchcraft” in Harry Potter need to do some serious study of the differences between Wicca and what I would refer to as fantasy magic. One exists and is evil. The other is is not. As Michael phrased it, it is not “accessible”. It’s pretend. One cannot really fly around on brooms in a world with unicorns, giants, three-headed dogs, dragons, and so forth. When one wants to judge good or evil, they first have to start with what is real versus pretend. If I can’t really turn my little brother into a frog, I’m not going to get hung up over the theology of doing so.

    • casey

      Michael, sometimes it really surprises me how much alike we think.

      I would just add that its possible that Holywood’s pantheistic themes, especialaly in kids movies, is normalizing that theology. I don’t think many American’s are explicitly or purposely pantheistics, but may find that pantheistic patterns of thinking have been ingrained in our thought after years of exposure to even mildly pantheistic theology in movies…even if its been primarily implicitly there.

    • Truth Unites... and Divides

      How about Disney’s Waverly Place? My daughter likes watching that.

    • Heather

      If sexual content of any kind doesn’t cause every Christian some pause, and some desire to turn the TV off, then shouldn’t we question the seriousness of his/her walk? While certainly some struggle with specific areas more than other Christians (whether it’s violence, profanity, sexuality, etc.), I don’t think the “stronger” brother is any more entitled to watching “mild sexual content” than the weaker. Christ could withstand all temptation, but He did not seek it. As a side note, I’m confused as to how watching actors engaged in sexual activity has become “entertainment” to Christians.

    • Brian Roden

      All things are lawful for me, but not all things are beneficial. I love detective stories. But I had to stop watching Law and Order: SVU because so many of the crimes were sexual, and I didn’t want to feed my mind on that. I was watching SciFi’s “Battlestar Galatica” on NetFlix, but also felt I should give it up because of the sexuality. Even though the entire show is not accessible (intergalactic space travel) the immorality depicted was (sexual promiscuity).

      I enjoy the NCIS shows (especially LA with all the computer technology) but don’t want my daughters exposed to the real-life violence, so I quit watching.

    • Truth Unites... and Divides

      Has anyone ever watched the tv show “24”?

      That was a very exciting show. Jack Bauer did fornicate in that show, but I don’t know if “24” was celebrating or normalizing it.

      It just seems that fornication is very widely accepted in Hollywood and it shows in tv and movies. And in people’s lives and in the culture.

    • MikeB

      Good framework for thinking through what we watch, listen to, or read.

      I never totally understood the Harry Potter “freakout”, how is it much different from a Disney Princess movie with witches and fairy godmothers etc.

      another issue (which you noted at the end) is graphic or explicit content. If the movie has graphic and explicit content it certainly should cause someone to pause before hitting the play button.

      Couldn’t think of a way to capture that in your acronym though. 😉


    • Jared Beverly

      “If [homosexuality] is shown to be destructive toward the family and society then many points gained.”

      Wow, quite a homophobic crowd we have here. As a gay Christian, I must certainly take issue with the false notion that the mere fact of being gay is destructive. I would strongly warn against discriminating against an entire demographic of people because of some trait they did not choose, that is, falling in love with people of the same sex.

      This isn’t one of the blogs that I read all the time, but I expect some thoughtful posts when I do read it, not heterosexist condemnations of “homosexual behavior,” whatever that means. Just think before you speak next time.

      • Daniel

        1Co 6:9 Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals,
        1Co 6:10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortionists, will inherit God’s Kingdom.

        This is what the Bible says..

    • I like your framework, but I think there must always be discernment for each Christian regarding their personal weaknesses and what constitutes a temptation for them or their children. I had a friend who would not watch John Wayne movies because of the attitudes they encouraged in him. Having battled pornography in the past I try to avoid sexual content (though sometimes this seems nearly impossible. But I think the one thing we need to remember is we are probably not as strong as we think we are. 1 Corinthians 10:12

    • Truth Unites... and Divides

      Hi Jared,

      Does Scripture teach that same-sex behavior is sin?

    • Truth Unites... and Divides


      Why do you say C. Michael Patton’s comment to me in #9 is “homophobic”? Reproduced below:


      I would say that if homosexuality is celebrated or normalized this is not a good movie/show. If it is shown to be destructive toward the family and society then many points gained.

      I think that much of what is in tv these days seeks to normalize and celebrate sin. This approach is subtle and very damaging.”

    • Skaggers

      With all the sexuality mentioned I believe I know the topic for discussion on a future post: Is Michelangelo’s “David” too sexually explicit?

      Next: Easter is soon! To watch “The Passion”? Or to not watch it?

      Next: Do we NOT watch movies by certain actors/actresses because of their theological, social bent, or outside activities? If so, how much research should be done on them?

      Next: What about the classic movies? Scarlett O’Hare was a sleeze. Casablanca had booze, gambling, affairs. How about heartthrob Ronald Reagan movies? The Wizard of OZ?

    • John from Down Under

      As a new Christian I was haunted by the thought of ‘would Jesus watch the movies I watch’ and hearing this ‘testimony’ didn’t help.

      Apparently I new Christian wasn’t sure about a movie he wanted to watch and decided to ‘take Jesus’ to the theater. Walks up to the ticket booth & says ‘2 tickets please, 1 for me & 1 for Jesus’. The girl handed him 2 tickets with a strange look on her face. 10 min later he stormed out & as he walked past the ticket booth the girl asked ‘what’s wrong?’. He said ‘I’ve gotta go, Jesus didn’t like the movie’!

      Also friends, this is meant to be ‘CAN’ not the CANon, so trying to pin Michael to the corner with questions like ‘is this movie ok to watch?’ etc is taking it further than was intended. It’s obvious that the tolerance levels of our individual conscience differs, but at least this a good guide.

    • Ed Kratz

      I like the framework but find the question slightly misplaced. Instead, I would ask what movies should a Christian watch. Ok, ok, I know what Michael is getting at but the problem is, as some suggested, that line will move depending upon the individual. Ex) those that cannot divorce Harry Potter from celebrating witchcraft should not watch it. But others see it as fantasy. I don’t think it’s up to us to say there should be a blanket prohibition against viewing. There are certain movies, like those with the rating X, where this is applicable. But mainly, no. It will depend on the individual on how that movie impacts them.

      I have tolerance for some movies that others might find offensive to their Christian sensibilities. Yet, I can’t watch certain movies because of the places in my mind they might take me. I think this is entirely a question of Christian liberty.

    • mbaker

      When I was a kid we watched horror movies, and cowboys and Indians where the Indians were always the bad guys.

      Did that influence me against Indians? No. There is a lot worse on TV that goes as acceptable nowadays although certainly things with racial overtones are a lot worse in some people’s eyes than violence, illicit sex and addiction. IMO, some sports events with their superstar drug addicts, rapists, etc; who are venerated as super heroes by Christians are just as bad, if not worse. Does that mean Christians quit watching sports events? No. I know very few Christians who hold sports events to the same standards as they do movies.

      I would say if we know ahead of time by the ratings, which we usually do in the case of movies, that there is something questionable, then we should probably avoid it in the first place rather than trying to justify it or reject it after the fact.

    • Ryan Boyer

      I think you are mistaken on the warlock issue. Charlie Sheen is out of the closet. “Don’t mess with this warlock.”

      Good post. I enjoy your blog.

    • Skaggers

      I personally am going to give an abundance of grace to people and their movie selection unlike the Pharasee-like statement made by someone above:

      If sexual content of any kind doesn’t cause every Christian some pause, and some desire to turn the TV off, then shouldn’t we question the seriousness of his/her walk?

      Christian Liberty and Grace should abound. Christ’s death and resurrection show us the radicalness of grace to his elect, and Paul tells us how it has set us free. Thanks Lisa for your addition, and thanks Michael for getting me into Chuck’s Grace Awakening from your 10 must have list (Wife and I going through it now!).

      That being said, I believe this liberty applies to areas where the scripture is not precise in its direction. The homosexual comment made above I (and the historic Church) don’t believe falls under this umbrella as scripture seems to be clear about God’s stance on homosexuality.
      In Essentials-Unity, In Non-Essentials-Liberty, In all things…

    • Emilia

      Watching TV is passive, and research has shown that while watching, a person’s brain waves are closer to the sleep state than the active functioning state. For that reason, I feel that reading a book is better than watching tv or movies. Reading keeps the mind active and thinking, which is a good thing. Also, America has a serious epidemic of obesity, which is contributed to by a lack of exercise. Too much time in front of the boob toob is bad for so many reasons! Even good movies and shows should be limited, in my opinion.

    • Daniel Eaton

      I took your blog, Michael, and expounded and pontificated on it a bit. Hope you don’t mind. 🙂 You can read my thoughts over on Theologica.

    • John I.

      I can’t see the purpose of avoid all sexuality. We are sexual beings. It’s in water cooler conversations. It’s in advertisements, radio, books, music, etc. To avoid sexuality one would have to become a hermit. Oh wait, that’s what the “desert fathers” did and for that very reason.

      One is not going to go to hell because one never saw a movie (my grandparents never did). It is in fact possible to live a life never having seen a movie. But movies are the narratives and stories of the late 20th and of the 21st century. I think the question is not “never”, but when and under what circumstances. One can draw lines or principles around the issues of offensiveness (which, of course, varies) and nudity.

      Violence is also unavoidable (unless it’s a documentary about the Amish). I would say that, for example, a film like “Seven Minutes of Heaven” is a very valuable and worthwhile film even though there is a very violent and graphic scene of a killing in it.

      John I.

    • Mary S

      What if the true test of faith is not following what others tell you to believe,
      but being able to think for your own self at the possibilitys of something greater. With so many different versions of regligions on this earth by one source or another, maybe that is the real test?

    • Heavenly Gem

      I found this article to be thought provoking and instructional. To think about our choices based on our relationship with Christ and others is profitable for the Kingdom. I can see how CAN as a process of thought can help evaluate a film or any entertainment event. Ultimately one should rely on their relationship with Christ, their knowledge of God’s word and the advice of Godly council, but to have a process like this encourages me to think more deeply about my choices and the choices I make or recommend for others. Thank you for CAN I’ll add it to my armory.
      I especially like and enjoyed your discussion and the feedback of others about “accessibility” Living in the world but not being of the world is difficult at best, I’m glad for God’s grace.

    • Concerned Mom

      Ephesians 5:11-12 says And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.

      Witchcraft, occult, and any other sinful behavior should not be part of our entertainment. The bible is clear on this. We must stop rationalizing in order to partake in the world. It harms our soul and closeness to God. It gives Satan a foothold in our lives that many cannot break away from. Your irresponsible teachings will harm many who now think its ok to partake in the world because you say it is. Also, your facts on the impact of Harry Potter and the increase in interest/dabblings in witchcraft are incorrect. There was/is an increase based on the mass draw of those books/movies. Our world is being molded by the entertainment industry and the desensitization and normalization of sinful behaviours. Look what it is has done to the world. Advise people to run from it.

    • Daniel

      With all due respect, Concerned Mom, did you actually READ the blog? CMP isn’t encouraging people to go watch movies full of “witchcraft, occult, and any other sinful behaviors”. And being discerning about which movies are OK and which are not is not “rationalizing in order to partake in the world”. If one were to use your measuring stick, one would have to conclude that the Bible too was off limits as it too is full of witchcraft, sex, and other sinful behaviors. The key is that the Bible INCLUDES those thinsg, but doesn’t TEACH those things as things we should do. Same can be said for many movies. If the sinful behavior is on the part of the protagonist and they get caught and punished in the end, the lesson ISN’T “now go and do likewise”.

    • […] Michael Patton offers some good, solid advice concerning this type of […]

    • C. Barton

      I watch a lot of movies, also, and it really makes a big difference when a show is well-written and has “salt” in it – I mean some movies have an edifying or redeeming quality, so that they are more than empty entertainment.
      In Harry Potter, I think it is the concept of exalting personal will over others, the world, and God that is the danger. Stolen power can be intoxicating, and some people can dabble with occult without becoming a “witch”.
      Star Wars promotes the depersonalization of God to a malleable “force” – anything that denies the personhood of God can be dangerous if taken internally.
      Lastly, Denzel’s character, Alonzo, had a rookie partner, Jake, who heroically braved death and disfigurement to execute justice. Thus the just man is saved, after a manner of speaking. Jake: “You know what I realized? I’m not like you!” is perhaps the salient development of Jake’s character.

    • anony

      yust watch out for harry and pokemon….. Childeren are doing those things after and there get demons on them. It sounds like a game but its the same as those wiccans stuff. also don’t watch horor, satan demons….. im a pinkster christian and have seen some people need deliverence from harry potter! But everything is a risk so don’t worry to much, but harry twilight exsist. you guys say twilight vampires doesnt exist. if you are deep in the occult you can become a vampire meaning having so much demons in you you only can live on blood. Yes if seen some christians who whee before christians in the ocullt so……. also have a church who does deliverence. You can let a bird fly but dont let him build a nest……
      But many films its a question and you yust know if you watch. i always ask forgivness to be sure (A) if im thinking later if its good…..

    • anony

      also put everything out with dragons, pokemon with dragons and stuff. i had a pokemon game with a dragon, i though nah it doesnt mather till my holy spirit said,. that game has to go…. are you having another god … dragon stand for satan….. of lotr im not sure i have trown it out though. no other god before me then they god of all gods the ruler of earth. and whe love you jesus amen !

    • anony

      in jesus you are free though……, some things yust have a risk, but thats also for non christians….

    • C. Barton

      It is true that children will develop affections for movie heroes and imitate their behavior. If we as adults really understand the spite and arrogance behind true wiccan religions, we would not consider such things as entertainment.
      And really, do not our tastes and desires change as we mature in Christ? As we grow in sanctification, we will want less gratuitous bad stuff and more real substance in our entertainment. That will be our example to our children, as well.
      Lastly, some movies glorify violence and other bad things, while some use them as plot devices in realistic scenarios.
      For instance, “The Expendables” is more about glory of war and blood spattering, but the same kind of violence in, say, “Mission Impossible” has a different emphasis and is easier to stomach.
      Just sayin’.

    • Karie Wheeler

      I am deeply saddened to see the way Christianity has opened the door to so many sinful things that have now taken over our society, and don’t even see how they have done so. We are to be salt and light in this world. God hates sin. His Word states we are either for Him or against Him. If we condone films, books or music that promote any hint of things God calls an abomination or sin, we are therefore choosing darkness for light. God has always called his people to be completely separate from the world. In the Old Testament, the children of Israel are commanded to be totally separate from the Egyptians and other tribes around them. In the New Testament, we are given freedom from sin, but not license to be like the world. We are commanded to come out from the world and be separate. Harry Potter may be fantasy, but it is a celebration of sorcery which is an abomination to God. There are those that practice witchcraft these days, If you say they aren’t, you are living in denial. Homosexuality is an abomination to God, and we have opened the door to many evils in our society by turning the other way and allowing it to become mainstream. God help us for not fighting against the agenda, it may now be too late. I ask you, if we are going anywhere near what God hates, how can we say we are His? I choose to not have television, or watch any secular films and listen only to christian music. I choose to love things that bring light, not darkness into my home and my children’s lives. There are many educational and Godly films to choose from. My children are not deprived and my soul feels the joy of having His Spirit near as we keep the door closed to worldly things. He will not co-inhabit our hearts with evil. We cannot serve two masters. I challenge anyone to try it and you will find the benefits far outweigh the negatives! God greatly blesses those who happily turn away from what the world is doing and focus on Him.

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