The Protestant doctrine of sola Scriptura is one of the most misunderstood doctrines I know of. The misconceptions come not only from those who repudiate the doctrine (such as Roman Catholics), but also from those who affirm it. Here is a list of some myths regarding sola Scriptura.

1. Sola Scriptura means that Scripture is the only source of spiritual insight.

Spiritual insight can come from any number of sources, both secular and Christian. I remember in 1995, I received quite a bit of spiritual motivation and inspiration from the movie Braveheart. My thoughts and hopes were infiltrated by the idea of a person giving up his life for something bigger than himself. There are many things – songs, wise words, books, and movies (Christian and secular), to name a few – that can be sources of insight and inspiration. Remember, all truth is God’s truth. It does not have to be in the Scriptures to be true.

2. Sola Scriptura means that there are no other authorities in our lives.

We believe that the Scriptures are our final and only infallible authority, but not that they are our only authority. For example, we believe that our pastors and church leaders have authority in our lives. Hebrews 13:7 says that we are to obey our leaders. Wives are to submit to their husbands (Eph. 5:2). People are to obey the government (1 Pet. 2:13). Children are to do what their parents say (Eph. 6:1). There can be no excuse like, “Dad, the Bible does not say I have to clean my room, so I choose not to.” Or “Officer, it says nothing specific about running red lights in the Bible.”

As well, tradition (church history) is an authority in our lives. Those who have gone before us in the faith must be respected. Their collective and unified influence creates an authority which, I believe, is second only to Scripture. After all, they had the same Holy Spirit as us, didn’t they? The Holy Spirit does not teach us everything new as individuals, but educates and inspires us in and with those who have gone before us. That is why I love dead theologians!

As I read through John Calvin’s Institutes a couple of years ago, I did so with a fine-toothed comb, underlining every time another source was referenced, especially a source from another church father. One cannot study the Protestant doctrine of sola Scriptura and come away with the idea that the Reformers ever meant that the Scriptures were our only authority. Ultimate, yes. Only, no.

None of these are our final authority, and if the Scriptures contradict what these authorities say, the Scriptures trump.

3. Sola Scriptura means that if it is not in the Bible, it is not divinely binding.

Romans 1 speaks of the binding authority of the message of creation: “For since the creation of the world, his eternal attributes, divine power and nature have been clearly understood so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). As well, in Romans 2, we are told that our conscience testifies to us about God’s will (Rom. 2:14-16). As Christians, we must be willing to take our cue from all forms of what we call “general revelation”: rationality, moral conscience, and the message of creation all qualify.

Whether it is rationality or the message of creation and the conclusions drawn from it, we cannot turn a blind eye and say that since it is not in the Scripture, it does not make any difference.

4. Sola Scriptura means that the Scriptures are an exhaustive source for us to know how to live our lives each day.

Think about how many things the Bible does not tell us. It does not tell us any particulars about where to work, whom to marry, what to eat, how often to shower, how many elders to have, or how, exactly, to conduct a Sunday morning service. It gives us general principles and then extends lots of freedom for us to use our wisdom to work out the details.

The Scriptures equip us spiritually for every spiritual service (2 Tim. 3:17). There is no knowledge deposit or missing database which contains essential information about how to have a right relationship with God. In this, Scripture is completely sufficient for every spiritual task.

5. Sola Scriptura was invented by Protestant Reformers

While it is true that sola Scriptura is confessed exclusively by Protestants, it is not true that the Reformers invented this doctrine. It was articulated in the sixteenth century to a greater degree than ever before, but this was only because of the abuses of the institutionalized church (primarily beginning with the Gregorian reforms in the eleventh century). Therefore, like all doctrine, it went through a maturation. But we can find the seed principles of the doctrine of sola Scriptura throughout the history of the church. Here are some examples:

Basil the Great (379)

“Enjoying as you do the consolation of the Holy Scriptures, you stand in need neither of my assistance nor of that of anybody else to help you comprehend your duty. You have the all-sufficient counsel and guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead you to what is right” (Letter CCLXXXIII, ANCF, p. 312).

In the end, the doctrine of sola Scriptura means that the Bible is the final and only infallible source of divine revelation and is, therefore, the ultimate guide for the conscience of the Christian.

Gregory of Nyssa (335-394)

“We make the Holy Scriptures the rule and the measure of every tenet.”

Augustine (354-430)

“In the innumerable books that have been written latterly we may sometimes find the same truth as in Scripture, but there is not the same authority.” (Reply to Faustus the Manichaean, 11:5)

There are many more examples here.

As a matter of fact, there are some joint declarations between Protestants and Eastern Orthodox which demonstrate that when properly understood (all myths aside), there is great agreement on this doctrine. Roman Catholics, who hold to a dual-source authority (Tradition + Scripture interpreted by the church), are the only ones who outright reject sola Scriptura.

6. Those who hold to sola Scriptura are uncertain about the canon of Scripture.

The whole idea here is that if the Scriptures are the only infallible authority, then there are no Scriptures since there is no infallible authority who can tell us which books belong in the Scriptures (since the table of contents is not inspired). While it is true that there is no infallible canon or list of books that comprise Scripture, this does not mean we have to be forever uncertain about what books belong in the Bible. We can have strong and binding conviction without having infallible knowledge of many important things. We don’t have infallible knowledge that our interpretation of  Scripture is correct; however, when the Scriptures are clear there is no need for an infallible interpreter.

But, more to the point: even if we have an infallible definer and interpreter of Scripture (e.g. Pope, Watchtower, Councils, church, etc.), this does not mean we infallibly interpret these sources. For example, who interprets the Roman Catholic catechism? How does one know they are interpreting it correctly? As well, while there is no infallible canon of books that belong in the Bible, there is also no infallible canon of dogmas the Pope has made. Even Roman Catholics can’t agree about when the Pope has spoken infallibly. Therefore, having an infallible interpreter has not solved as many problems as people like to think. In short, we don’t need an infallible list of books in order to be convicted that we have the right books.

I think this is an accurate way to put it:

The Bible is carried by reason, aided by experience, guarded by tradition, but ruled by none.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    56 replies to "Six Myths About Sola Scriptura"

    • Gordon

      I’m sorry, but the effective version of Sola Scriptura as implemented by every apologetics website and TV preacher follows all of those myths except the 5th and 6th ones, #5 is never brought up or thought about, and #6 is not applicable: most adherents to SS are sure of their canon; they just never think about, question, test, or challenge it with any real sincerity. People like Geisler will never try to defend apocrypha with scripture with the same vigor they defend their canon, or question the antilogmena as apocrypha. They can, but won’t.
      What you’re describing as SS to be sounds more like the Wesleyan quadrilateral or someaught like it. Prima scriptura means that the Bible is the most assuredly true of the assuredly true; therefore anything which doesn’t disagree with it which can be proven true— is also true. Sola literally means Sola- alone. Of what you call myths:

      #1 hangs on if an insight is infallible. If an insight is fallible because it isn’t directly quoting scripture, then it might as well be no insight at all. I asked an answers website if Free Will in heaven would be used for anything except just obeying God, whether God would give us real choices to make. Their answer: ‘the bible doesn’t say anything, so we have no clue.’

      #2 is optional. Look at MacArthur’s response to Cali’s tyrrany during the pandemic (though I don’t blame him.) This includes spiritual authorities. SS means the Bible is “the one-and-only rule for faith and practice, apart from tradition or any other human authority.”— GotQuestions, “Tota Scriptura”

      #3 Other than the laws of physics and some church history, SS adherents don’t adhere to anything that isn’t produced by anythinh other than their own abuse of scripture, like the Westminster Confession. This includes the Holy Spirit! “Rather do I vigorously affirm the decisive authority of Scripture; hence, God does not speak just as authoritatively today as He spoke to the biblical authors.”— John MacArthur, GTY Art’l A366
      “The Bible is authoritative, but any idea, principle, or doctrine that comes from an extrabiblical source is not.”— GQ, “Extrabiblical”

      #4 is easily confirmed true by the doctrine of Sufficiency of Scripture- that the Bible has all the things that matter. The writer (or inperpolator) of II Timothy 3 sure seems to say so.

      • Gordon

        Edit: The MacArthur quote was him quoting another, whom he was opposing. MacArthur himself basically denies God’s effective presence on earth after Revelation was written.

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