I have often said that it is easier to tell when someone is a true Christian than to tell when they are not. In other words, some people wear their convictions on their sleeve. The power of the Holy Spirit could not be more clearly visible. With these people, their passion, understanding, grace, humility, and faith are clearly evident in everything they do. I know and can state with a great degree of confidence that they trust in Christ and are saved. They are in the race and they are running. For others, however, it is more difficult to tell. They may say they are saved, but I do not have the same degree of confidence. They may be convinced, but I am not. I am not asserting they are not saved. I just don’t know. Some people live in a perpetual state of doubt, failure, and terrible sin. They may be in the race, but they are not running. However, even when they are at their worst, I cannot confidently say that they are not saved any more than I can say that the previous individuals are saved.

Many people contact me, because they are overwhelmed with the fear that they are not saved. They seek assurance from me that God has saved them. My background, training, and tradition all push me to reassure them in the attempt to alleviate their doubts and fears to the end that they are secure in their salvation and can never lose this security. After all, I believe that without security, we have never really embraced the fullness of the Gospel message.

However, there is a flip side to this coin. And it is this other side that I wish to address.

I have someone who I can’t figure out. Conversations with him are always very frustrating. I just want to crack his head open and see what is inside. I want to gaze where only God can see. I want to know if he really knows Christ. My heart says, “I hope!” but my mind says, “I don’t know. I doubt it.”

If you were to look at the life of this friend, you would not suspect that he has ever approached the throne room of God. You would not suspect that he has ever bowed humbly at the cross, understood his own condition, or asked the Lord for mercy. I have never seen him read his Bible, and I have never heard him honor Christ with his words. His life appears to be a never-ending pursuit of what the world has to offer. Moreover, this attitude shows evidence of trying to maintain complete control over his emotional state. Comforting him with spiritual talk is a seemingly futile exercise, especially when I receive a ridiculing gaze and awkward silence when I attempt to discuss the issue with him.

Yet, when push comes to shove, this guy will give me his testimony. Every once in a while he will tell me why I don’t need to be worried about his spiritual condition. He will confidently tell me of the time when he was twelve years old and walked the aisle at Church to accept the Gospel. Once his tale is complete, he has exhausted his ability to have a spiritual conversation and an awkward silence ensues.

Is this guy saved? Can it be that he sincerely walked the aisle so long ago, yet has not flexed a spiritual muscle since? Why is he so secure in his salvation?

In his office, there is one spiritual relic. It is an old piece of paper that hangs prominently by his desk entitled “The Believer’s Security.” On it are listed all of the passages of Scripture that give assurance that a believer cannot lose their salvation. This unqualified doctrine was something that he was taught immediately after his saving experience. This is what he banks on every day.

I have changed quite a bit over the years with regards to the doctrine often called “eternal security” or “once saved, always saved.” Don’t start squirming, fellow Calvinists, there are not many things I believe in more strongly than the ultimate security of salvation. But I do believe there are some people who may need to squirm. I believe there are some people whose eternal destiny depends on their own insecurity.

I am going to tell the “Parable of the Race.” You may have heard it before, but I am going to modify it somewhat for our purposes.

“In a town of ultimate boredom called Mundane, there was a great announcement. It was the announcement of a race. A great race that all could enter. A race that would rescue them from boredom. Most people did not believe that such an event would be held in Mundane so they scoffed. Others immediately prepared with great enthusiasm and joy.

Both the scoffers and the enthusiasts arrived at the appointed place on the day of the race. The scoffers sat and watched while the others prepared to run by stretching and making sure their shoes were tied. They lined up, looking ahead with the intensity, fear, and excitement that accompanied such an event.

The gun sounded and off they went. Yet something very curious and unexplainable happened. They all stopped running after they had passed the starting line. Not only this, but they acted very peculiar. One person fell on his knees crying, thanking God that he crossed the starting line. Others gave each other high fives and hugs, as they shouted, “Hooray, we are now race runners, we are now race runners.” Some shook hands and congratulated each other. One group relaxed and complemented one another on how well they crossed the starting line. Five or six others all gathered together and formed a prayer circle. They prayed that others would cross the starting line as they had.

Many others wanted to experience this joy so they decided to start the race as well. They were immediately stopped by the well-wishers who had started before them. They decided to stay as well. After a few days, there were people handing out pamphlets along with a certificate to all those who crossed the starting line. The pamphlet told them that once they had started the race they were guaranteed to finish. The certificate was to recognize their achievement in finishing the race even before they finished. It became very high on the agenda of all the race runners to make sure that people who had started knew of their assurance of completion. So much so that there was a printing press built right at the starting gate which produced millions of the pamphlets.

After a few months, there were so many who had crossed the starting line that they decided to build a town right there. They called this town “Starting Line Village.”

The spectators were confused. “I thought a race had to be finished,” they said to one another. They interviewed the people of Starting Line Village. “Why did you start the race and not continue?” they would ask. This made the people of Starting Line Village very uncomfortable. They would immediately show their certificate saying that they were guaranteed to finish. When people would encourage them to run the rest of the race, they would be ridiculed for not trusting the pamphlet. They were called legalists and were accused of trusting too much in their own ability to finish the race rather than the words on the pamphlet.

Finally, many of the watchers in the crowd became fed up with those in Starting Line Village and decided to run the race themselves with the intent to finish. They refused the certificates and left the people of Starting Line Village to hand out the pamphlets alone.”

This parable illustrates a problem that we have in the church today. There are many people who are very comfortable in the profession of faith they made so long ago. So comfortable, in fact, that they never make any further moves in their walk with God. Like my friend, they rely upon the “once saved, always saved” doctrine that they were taught immediately upon conversion. They have crossed the starting line, but are definitely not running the race.

I don’t have a problem with teaching “once saved, always saved,” but I think we need to qualify it a great deal. I know, qualifying our own security seems very counterproductive. Let me be plain and clear. The doctrine of God’s grace is radical. It is absolutely radical. It is unbelievably radical. God gives us an unspeakable gift free of charge. We don’t owe God anything for it. It is not on layaway. In fact, it would be very offensive to God for us to even try to pay for it. It is priceless. Yet this gift, from a human point of view, is received by faith. Faith is the evidence of our salvation. It is the instrumental cause of our salvation. Faith is the evidence that we have entered the race. But what we fail to emphasize is often more destructive to the Christian faith than not telling the Gospel at all. We fail to tell people that there is a false kind of faith. There is a faith that crosses the starting line, but never completes the race. There is a faith that does not save.

Paul encourages the Corinthians:

“Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you– unless indeed you fail the test?” (2 Cor. 13:5)

The author of Hebrews says:

“Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it.” (Heb. 4:1)

In Revelation, only those who overcome are promised eternal life:

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” (Rev. 2:7; emphasis mine)

James speaks about a faith that does not save:

“What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?” (Jam. 2:14)

Remember in the parable of the soils in Matthew 13, there are three types of seeds that sprout (start the race), but only one truly takes root (finishes the race).

And time will fail us if we try to recount all the false prophets of false hope in the Old Testament. These are the ones who were continually telling the Israelites of their own security when destruction was right around the corner.

I believe that once a person is truly saved, he or she will never lose that salvation. Yet I think we need to warn people that not all faith is true faith.

If you have crossed the starting line, great! Bravo, hooray, and congrats. But from a human point of view, this does not guarantee that you will cross the finish line. I am sorry, but I do no service to you by trying to immediately tell you that your faith is true. I don’t know if it is. The doctrine is not really called “Once Saved, Always Saved,” but is more accurately described as “Perseverance of the Saints.” I think  we need to get away from calling it “once saved, always saved.” I don’t like it. From God’s point of view, your salvation is protected. You are his child, elect of God, and nothing can change that. But from our perspective, you are his child if you are trusting in him. Is your faith persevering? It is not about whether you can recount a time in the past when you trusted him once. It is about whether or not you are in his family and are trusting him now. We are called believers, not because we believed, but because we believe.

We all need to question whether or not our faith is the kind of faith that saves. We do a great disservice to the Gospel when we make it our top priority to immediately alleviate any anxiety or doubt of salvation in those who profess faith. We may be giving them a false sense of security that they will take to their grave. This may be what happens to my friend. I fear the worst. On the day of judgment, will he say “Lord, Lord, didn’t I cross the starting line? Wasn’t I a race runner?” only to hear Jesus respond, “Depart from me. I never knew you.”

There is a healthy tension concerning our salvation that should follow us our entire Christian walk.

If you are saved, part of the Gospel message is that you can be assured of your salvation (1 John 5:13). God wants you to know it. However, I don’t want anyone to be assured of something that is not true. Unfortunately, I believe there are a lot of people who are.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    157 replies to "This Calvinist’s Problem with “Once Saved, Always Saved”"

    • Gregg Powers

      The entire doctrine of OSAS is untrue. Specific passages in scripture give warnings to true believers and other scriptures clearly show the transition from belief to unbelief. There is little good that comes from such a belief and not only does it fly in the face of the breadth of scripture, it also has limited historical precedent.

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    • Jonathan Grandt

      A truly troubling article. Not for our sakes, but for yours. “Your destiny depends on your insecurity”?? The trouble for the Calvinist is that you can’t really know if you yourself are even really saved, and are most certainly in no way qualified to be trying to see if someone else is. Your odd preoccupation with someone else’s salvation is all too common among your kind. It has everything to do with the way you understand salvation and the massive problem of Calvinistic understanding of salvation. You only think you “know” when someone is “saved” because of some outward “signs” that meet your own standards. How about just quit looking to others and just check yourself before you wreck yourself. “Eternal DESTINY depends on your own insecurity”. Oh stop this nonsense. We have been adopted by a loving Father, your insecurities are sinful. That’s just what it is, sir. You wanna crack someone’s head open to see if they know Christ…. And yet an article like this makes it questionable if even you even understand Him in your knowing of Him. Are you sure you aren’t Catholic? I honestly have no idea why anyone would be contacting you regarding their own assurance because you are most certainly not qualified for the task. Your security is in your own accomplishments rather than the perfected work of Christ. Your comment on your “friend” having only ONE small spiritual “relic” is so truly offensive. You can’t even see your terrible error. Have you shown him this article?

      “Examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith” is a terribly misunderstood, misused and abused passage that completely ignores what Paul is saying. You can’t see what Paul is talking about because your tradition involves so much ripping passages out of context to push your own points. So you are robbing yourself of understanding the scriptures. You look to your own works and the works of others because you think that in them you have the assurance of your eternal salvation.

      Paul is answering a charge that he is not a true apostle. He has already answered this charge before. When he addressed this charge previously it was with proving himself to them. This time though he tells them all to examine themselves to see if they are in the faith. Not to see if they have “genuine salvation”, but to see if they are IN THE FAITH. Paul was their apostle. He brought them the good news. The reason they would be IN THE FAITH is literally because of his ministry to them. It was a brilliant move on Paul’s part to prove to them that he was a true apostle by the fact that they are in the faith. Unless of course they fail the test thereby proving he is a false apostle. Your use of this passage is erroneous.

      Stop looking to your own works as evidence.

      Stop desiring to crack heads open. You’re not qualified to even understand what could be seen there If even possible. This is the work and territory of God.

      Jesus IS THE WAY. We ought to celebrate and rejoice and cry along with every person who steps across that starting line, because they are our brothers and sisters now in Christ. Our Father has adopted us because we believe in His Son.

    • RUBEN

      When you put your faith in Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross you are passed from death to life and have eternal life eternal not Conditional you are a new creation your spirit is born again and brought to life you can not be unborn It is in reversible. Has nothing to do with works. Paul makes it clear. We are saved by grace through faith, not of works. It’s a gift of God so we won’t boast. If we are to work for our salvation Then Jesus sacrifice on the cross was in vain. l also says if we are not faithful, he remains faithful.
      It is clear God is always faithful regardless of our works regardless if we are faithful or not. Does this mean we have a license to sin by no mean They are consequences for the believer but not lost salvation lost of reward lost of blessings health issue lost of peace and sometimes death God chastises his children at judgement our works will be tried by fire If the fire consumes them we would suffer loss but yet We shall be saved by fire He who the father gives to me. No man can pluck them out of the father’s hand no angels. No one that includes us. We are not stronger than God. He who stared his work in us is faithful to finish it
      It is clear our salvation is secure. Our work.
      S and discipleship And service need to be separated. This is why there’s so much division and confusion within the church. They put everything together. That is not the gospel brother. I hope you have believed and put your faith in Christ. Jesus and his finish. Work on the cross and know that you have eternal security everlasting life. If you are depending on your works, you are believeing in a sinner that deserves hell not the savor you’re not believing in Christ and what he did. You are denying what he did on the cross work without faith. Is dead.That means To have faith is to trust and believe.
      Once you do that,that’s the saving faith
      Stop twisting scriptures around and confusing people. Keep the gospel simple the way Jesus meant it to be read the content who he’s addressing. read the whole chapter and before it and you will see what you’re saying. It’s not what scripture says. It seems you get one little passage and make that the evidence that we could lose our salvation. There’s plenty of passages and scriptures that prove. Otherwise just use your common sense. How can A person that is born spiritually brand new. It has been taken out of death and got life.
      Has been made. A new creation in god that person. Is born again be unborn again. Give them their old spirit stick him back in their sins and take your salvation away. Thats totally going against scripture and who God is No one can pluck us out of God’s hand no 1 not ourselves they are consequences for sin, but for the believers, it’s lost of reward and chestheisment Lost of health sickness. Is lost a blessing piece Is some times death Is not lost of salvation We are adopted in the family of God.God is our father.He never stopped Being our father we never stop being sons Let’s stop with the pointing fingers and start Reading the scripture for what it is and the truth in it We serve a good God.Let’s not let the enemy Come and bring in false doctrines , free grace Has always been preached.Paul preached it , paul Said beware of false profits Preaching false doctrines even at the time of the apostles there were people teaching false doctrines against free grace one Saved always saved it’s nothing new This has always been preached in the bible Even by the ancient fathers.
      John Calvin, It’s not what we follow.Once saved always saved The bible does not counterdict itself If jesus says we have eternal life If you believe in him and you are taken from death To life and you are a new creation He’s not lying that is facts Doesn’t that make you think the scriptures that you read thinking We can lose our salvation and we need to work to the end Read well what that means Does not mean loss of salvation or not make God true and all men Liars. Brother may god bless you and all that I have said it is in jesus’s name and in Brotherly love.

    • Simon

      A very interesting piece. The “once saved, always saved” teaching has brought more harm to the church than the good that it was probably meant to bring. It has created a certain kind of believers who, don’t care to walk in the same faith that they profess to believe in. Your parable is on point! We have more nominal christians than true disciples today. The false security that once you start the race you are bound to finish it has made many christians either live their lives not ever showing Christ in them, or worse, going back to live their former lives because they now have an “assurance” that they are safe. Salvation is not about being safe from hell, as many would like to believe, rather it is a complete transformation, from living life your own way and starting to live God’s way. Eternal assurance was meant to show that no one could take salvation away from you, but that doesn’t include yourself, meaning that you have the will to either accept God’s grace or reject it. The potter predestined the clay to becoming a beautiful vase, but because the clay didn’t run in his hand, he made it into a crude pot. Thank you for this great article. God bless.

    • Usha Borde

      Hi ,

      Question is :

      Can a man loose his salvation ?

      Answer is : Yes.
      These are 7 consistent verses _:

      1)Due to dead body.

      ( Romans 8 : 10 )states, And if  Christ  be in you, the body is dead because of sin.’

      (Ezekiel 18:24-26) says, ‘But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness & committeth iniquity & doeth according to all the abomina tions that the wicked man doeth,shall
      he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in
      his trespass that he hath trespassed & in his sin that he hath sinned, in
      them shall he die.Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal.’

      Which iniquities a righteous can commit due to his dead body ?

      Answer _:Anything such as :
      ’ Sensuality, passions, drunked ness, orgies, drinking parties, & lawless idolatry.’(1 Peter 4:3 )

      ’ Care of this world & the deceitful ness of riches.‘ (Matt 13 :22)

      ’ Filthy dreamers, Murmurs, complai ns, hard & sensual speeches. ‘( Jude 8,19 )

      ’ Friendship with this world, covetousness, adultery. ‘ ( James 4: 4)

      ’ Bitter envying, strife
       & jealousy.'(James 3: 14)

      Confusion,selfish ambition & every evil work.(James . 3:16)

      ‘Desires of the flesh
      &of the mind.’ (Ephesians. 2 :3)

      ‘Divisions’ (1Corinthians . 3:3)

      ‘Lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.’ (1John 2: 16)

      ‘ Fornication, uncleanness, lascivious ness,witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath,strife,seditions or, heresies,(Gal.5 :19, 20 )

      So, not to loose salvation. we have to submit ourselves to The Holy Spirit, denying ourselves, daily.

      (Luke 9:23 ):’And Jesus said to all,“If anyone would come after me, let him
      deny himself, take up his cross daily & follow me.’

      2)(2 Peter 2:20-22) states, ‘For if after they have escaped the pollutions of
      the world through the knowledge of the Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, they
      are again entangled therein,& over come, the latter endis worse with them than the beginning.For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.’

      3)( Romans 11:22) says, ‘Behold there fore the goodness & severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but towar d thee, goodness, if thou continue
      in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.’

      4) (Revelation 22:19)says, ‘lf any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life. ‘

      5) (Matthew 24:13) says, ‘ But he that shall endure unto the end, the same
      shall be saved.’

      6)'(Galatians 5 :4) says, ‘Christ is beco me of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.’

      7) About false Christs & false prophe ts Jesus said, “that, they shall
      deceive the very elect’.
      ( Matthew . 24 :24)

      The Holy Spirit can go from a person after losing salvation _:

      1) If we live carnally, the Holy Spirit doesn’t stay.

      (Romans 8 : 6, 8,13)states, ‘To be carn ally minded is death; but to be spiri tually minded is life and peace.
      Because the carnal mind is enmity against God ’13.,lf you live after the
      flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.’

      These are 5 examples of The Holy Spirit leaving the person :

      !) Samson

      (Judges16:20) says,’She said, The Phili stines be upon thee,  Samson.& he awoke out of his sleep, &said, I will go out as at other times before, & shake  myself. & he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.’

      !!) (lsaiah 63 :10)states,’But they rebell ed,& vexed His holy Spirit: therefore
      He was turned to be their enemy,& he fought against them.’

      !!!) king Saul
      (1Sam16 :14)says,’The Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul & an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.’

      iv) Demas.
      Paul said to Timothy , ‘Be diligent to come to me quickly; for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this presen t world & departed for Thessalonica
      Crescens for Galatia, Titus for Dalmatia.” (II Timothy 4:10.)

      “Paul states “the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.” Philippians 4:3.

      v) Judah lscariots

      Name can be erased from the book of life after losing salvation _:
      These are 3 verses :

      ! )( Exodus 32:31-33) ‘Then Moses retu rned to the Lord,& said, “Alas, this people has committed a great sin & they have made a god of gold for the mselves. But now, if You will, forgive their sin & if not, please blot me
      out from Your book which You have written!” The Lord said to Moses,“Who ever has sinned against Me, I will blot
      him out of My book.’

      ! !) (Revelation 3:5) ‘He who overcom es will thus be clothed in white gar ments & I will not erase his name from the book of life.’

      !!! ) (Psalm 69:27-28) ‘lniquity to their iniquity,& may they not come into Your righteousness.May they be blott ed out of the book of life & may they
      not be recorded with the righteous.’

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