Have I committed the unforgivable sin?

Some of you will be surprised, but this is a terrifying feeling of panic, doubt, and spiritual fatigue expressed by some Christians. I receive email after email from scared Christians who cannot relieve the anxiety of their feeling that they have committed a sin that cannot be forgiven by God. Because of this, they feel hopeless, without an advocate in this world that can rescue them from the fires of hell.

Where does anyone get such an idea? Well, from the Bible. Mark 3:28-29 says:

Mark 3:28-29
“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”

This fearful passage is repeated in all three synoptics (Matt. 12:31-32; Luke 12:10).

The difficulty is obvious: the Gospel of Jesus Christ presents unqualified forgiveness to all who repent of their sins (1 John 1:9; Rom. 10:13; John 3:16; et al). This is why the Gospel is so easy to preach. There are no reservations for those who tell of God’s love and hope. No matter what a person has done or thought in the past, God offers hope through the cross of Christ. John 6:37 says, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.” It does not say, “I will certainly not cast out…unless they have committed a sin that is beyond hope of repentance.”

So how do we reconcile this “unforgivable sin” with the clear message of forgiveness found throughout the Bible? I will try to answer this, but more importantly, I want to answer the question of whether or not you have committed this sin and are beyond hope.

What is blasphemy?

The word “blasphemy” is not an easy word to define. It is used many ways in many contexts. Today, many people think that saying certain curse words such as G-D constitutes blasphemy. Others see it as accepting divine acclamation and authority. I have many people who believe that it is thinking a bad thought about God, like “I hate God” or “Get out of my life!” None of these are true.

Almost all lexicons define this word as having to do with speech. It is something uttered or spoken. BADG says that it is “to speak in a disrespectful way that demeans, denigrates, maligns.”

What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Jesus says that people can be forgiven of any sin, even blasphemy against him. But for some reason, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a distinct type of sin.

Now, it is important to note that in no account do we find the religious leaders who caused Jesus to issue this warning mention the Holy Spirit at all. Therefore, how can we say they actually uttered anything against him? All they did was attribute the works of Christ to the works of Satan. After Jesus had performed a miracle — healing a man and casting out a demon — the religious leaders said:

Mark 3:22 “The scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, ‘He is possessed by Beelzebul,’ and ‘He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons.'”

Everything we see here seems to be speaking against Christ, not the Holy Spirit. However, the reality is that when one speaks against Christ in such a way, he is speaking against the Holy Spirit.

These religious leaders were attributing the work of God, which had its power in the Holy Spirit, to Satan. They were basically saying that Christ was not who he said he was and his life and work were energized by the Devil, not God. This is a pretty serious accusation. And, again, is it very important to note that they did not actually speak these words out loud about the Holy Spirit, but Christ knew the words were expressions of the beliefs of their heart. Keep that in mind as it is not really about speaking, but the heart behind the words spoken. As Christ said:

Mat 15:18-19
“But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man. 19 “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders [blasphemies].”

These people who committed the unforgivable sin truly believed, deep in their hearts, that Christ was of the devil. And this was a willful persistent belief about which they sought no repentance. It was not merely the words spoken.

Have you committed the unforgivable sin?

It all comes down to this question. Have you committed the unforgivable sin? I don’t know. But I do know this, if you are worried that you have committed this sin and it is causing great anxiety upon your soul before God, then I don’t think you have. If you believe that Christ is God, his works were of God, and he died for your sins, then I absolutely know you have not committed it. To commit it requires a willful, persistent, lifelong rejection of Christ’s work. You don’t even have to know about the Holy Spirit.

Sam Storms puts it this way:
“Those who are most worried that they may have committed the unpardonable sin have not. This is a sin for while there is no concern, no conviction, and no anxiety, and thus no repentance. It is a sin that is so hard-hearted and willful and persistent and defiant that the one committing it couldn’t care less that he or she is committing it.” (Tough Topics, 88-89)

Another thing to consider is this: If this sin was so easy to commit, for example, a person says a certain formula or puts a particular set of words together, why isn’t this mentioned many times in Scripture? More than that, why isn’t it more clearly laid out? The closest we have is from Paul in 1 Cor. 12:33: “Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, ‘Jesus is accursed’; and no one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit.” But notice, if you say “Jesus is Lord” (which is an expression of your heart), then this is from the Holy Spirit. It is the opposite of the unforgivable sin. If you believe that Jesus is Lord, you cannot have ever committed the unforgivable sin.

If you look throughout church history, you will find multiple views about this sin. At the same time, there is agreement that one who has trusted Christ cannot commit this sin. For Origen, it is only those who have finally and decisively turned their backs from grace. Novatian calls it defiance of the ground of the Christian faith and life. And Augustine says that this text does not suggest that blasphemy makes repentance impossible.

The point is that this sin is not really a unique sin. It is an ultimate rejection of the Gospel. It is never coming to Christ for repentance. It is looking at Christ and laughing in your heart with a persistent rebellion against the power of the Spirit who is giving testimony about him (John 15:26). Therefore, while I understand the fear that people may have about this sin, I can promise you that if you have ever come to Christ, recognizing who he is, and said “Have mercy on me, the sinner,” then there is no possibility that you have committed this sin. Take comfort in this. The devil may be trying to rob you of your security by whispering in your ear that you must take ownership of a sin you can never own.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    134 replies to "Have I Committed the Unforgivable Sin?"

    • james

      I ask for your prayers because I did not recognize Christ when He came to me. He does physically come through other people and I did not recognize Him. I do not think that saying something is unpardonable. I am afraid that I have done this by not recognizing Him in person. Please help me. I was baptized too young and wish that I had waited. Pray that He will speak to me again. I feel condemned and out of His will totally.

      • ryan

        im going to hell forsure 🙁 i read that verse in mark… i started worrying i comitted the unforgiveabel sin… then i started worrying that jesus had an unclean spirit… then i was going to try and confront another christain as if i was going agaisnt them.. now im going to hell. 🙁

    • B

      What happens if you accidently said what the pharisees said but don’t mean it?

    • C Barton

      After a little study on this, I’m pretty sure Jesus was referring to a rejection of his person, works including miraculous signs, and authority of his deity, as though attributing it all to evil. Anyone in this position cannot at the same time be saved, or born again. Like oil and water, they don’t mix.
      We all wrestle with the flesh and those weird things that pop into our minds from time to time. Those things are all forgiven. It’s like babysitting a cranky four-year-old on a rainy day. Just have to put up with it until the sun comes out.

    • Kittie

      I don’t understand how you could accidentally say what they said, however, it doesn’t matter, God sees your heart and I believe that is where that sin is committed. Also, He knows if that is how you reply feel or not, you cannot accidentally do that sin. God bless you.

    • Kittie

      I don’t understand how you could accidentally say what they said, however, it doesn’t matter, God sees your heart and I believe that is where that sin is committed. Also, He knows if that is how you really feel or not, you cannot accidentally do that sin. God bless you.

    • Christopher Sadoun

      There was the First Aion Age when Jesus was walking the Earth and arguing with the Pharisees, which corresponds to when Jesus said “This age” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:31-32)
      There was the Second Aion Age when Jesus was dead in the tomb, which corresponds to when Jesus said “the age to come” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:31-32)
      There is a the Third Aion Age when Jesus was resurrected alive again and also is the Age when Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit is forgiven and is also the age that we are in now. This age goes on for eternity.

      Thus ALL GO TO HEAVEN and nothing changed about grace.
      Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the term word for unbelief.
      ALL GO TO HEAVEN BECAUSE unbelief is forgiven.

      A Time in the Life of Jesus is an Age because Jesus is God and is that important.

      “Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. ” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:32)

      Matthew 12:32 is when Jesus canceled the Old Code of the law found in Matthew 12:31.

      “And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:31)

      “Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. ” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:32)

      In the Third age blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is forgiven along with all sins.

    • Elias

      I’m a young teenage boy currently living in unstable family.I thought I was saved but turns out I wasn’t. I have sinned greatly and committed the worst sins. I really want to get saved and have eternal salvation in Yahuah so I can preach to my family but the thought that I committed this sin scares me terribly and I feel terrible and guilty for it. I now have no hope and Satan is just battering me right now and I’m close to just doing suicide. Please I want to get redeemed and get saved but the thought of me committing this unreasonable sin has me hopeless of obtaining eternal salvation The Evil one is in my thoughts right now feeding me evil thoughts and putting evil in front of the holy spirit. I just feel like I was created to suffer and that I was a mistake and a failure. I’m just getting battered right now and I really want to get saved, please give me hope of there is for me

    • Elias

      Please give me hope if there is for me, I meant.

      • Kittie

        Elias, You have not done the unpardonable sin, everything you wrote suggests that this is nothing more then an attack from the enemy and I will explain why. You are calling out for salvation, remember that the Bible says that If any man asks for salvation, I will IN NO WAY cast Him out. Never ONCE, not ONCE, has Jesus denied someone salvation, and I do not believe He would start doing that with you. God does not lie, Jesus does not lie, Romans 10:9 If any man confess with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in his heart that God has raised Him from the dead he will be saved. There were no exceptions to this. It didnt say unless he has done this or that, then thats a no go, is said if ANY MAN. The devil sees you reaching out to God, and he doesnt want you too, so he cranks up the heat hoping to get you so discouraged, so confesed and condemned that you think about or do exactly what you were speaking of, by the way, suicide is a one way ticket to hell, thats why the devil put it in your mind. If you were not on the right track, and I believe not saved then the devil wouldnt be bothering you, he would already have you, why would the devil taunt you if he gots you where he wants you, thats because He doesnt, not anymore, you are seeking salvation, and forgiveness, and THAT is why you are having these problems. You said you dont believe you are saved, well, let me ask you, Do you believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God, and that He died for your sins and is sitting at the Right hand of the Father? Do you believe Jesus loved you so much that He died for your sins, and that if you ask Him and repent of your sin, that He will forgive you and write your name in the Lambs book of Life? DId you confess with your mouth that you are a sinner and ask Jesus to come live in you heart and be your Lord and Savior? If you answered yes then you are saved, not because i said so, because GOD said so, and He doesnt lie. Gods word is fact, if God says you are saved, who are you to say any different? You will be okay, stay strong, read your Bible, pray, and when these thoughts of not being saved enter your mind, lift your eyes to heaven and thank God for saving you, then laugh it off as nothing more then a desperate attempt to make you doubt your salvation from the enemy. God Bless you friend.

    • Ashish Runda

      Hi Everyone,
      My name is Ashish. I am from India and I am a Christian. I am struggling this in present days. But the explanation of Kittie helped me a lot…
      Thanks Kittie…God Bless You…

    • Kittie

      To Elias:
      Hello Friend, I am sorry but some of the posts are not showing up so I could only reply to you be creating a new post, I pray God gets this post to you, You have not done the unpardonable sin, and how I know this is because everything in your post suggests that this is nothing more then a demonic attack, and I will prove my point.
      FIrst, you are trying to find salvation, you are praying and seeking God and forgiveness, the Devil does NOT like that one bit, he wants you miserable, hell bound, worried and depressed, and if you do ANYTHING to change that like seek Jesus or call out to our loving God the Devil will turn up the heat, bring on the accusations and guilt, throw every little nasty trick in his book to cause you to give up, not seek God, consider yourself a lost cause, and the devils ultimate goal is to get you so discouraged that you take your own life, because then its over, once you die there is no more MERCY or forgiveness, its done, and if you take your own life you get a one way ticket to hell, forever.
      Dont misunderstand me, the battle of the mind is the toughest battle in my opinion by far, but God will not give you more then you can bare, but you cannot take on the devil on your own, you need HIM, you need Jesus to have your back, to be in your corner, and when it gets real tough, you tag Him in just like in wrestling, you go relax and let Him fight your battle for awhile, He has got this, trust me. What you need to do is realize that these thoughts and feelings and doubts are actually a good thing, it means you are on the right track, if you were not, the devil would not be fighting so hard, throwing his nasty tricks at you left and right are to get you to turn back, dont seek God, do nothing and make everything go back to the way it was, which was you not being attacked, but also not saved. About your salvation, Do you believe that God loves you? Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins and is the one and only Son of God? Do you truly repent of your sins, meaning you will do your best to turn from sin going forward? Do you want to know Jesus better, and do the work of God? Have you asked Jesus for forgiveness? Do you believe Jesus has the power to forgive you, wash away all sin, and place your name in the Lambs Book of Life in Heaven? Have you confessed your sins, and asked for forgiveness from Jesus Christ? Do you accept His gift of salvation? If you answered yes to those, then by the Word of GOD you are saved. GOD said so, and HE does not lie. You may not feel saved, we dont base our salvation on our feelings, because depending on your mood feelings can change from minute to minute, we base our salvation on FACT, that GOD said so, and being that HE is GOD, He would know best. You have to accept His gift of salvation. Are you good enough to be forgiven? NOPE. Neither am I, or anyone else in the corrupt world, but Jesus gave his perfect life as a sacrifice for your sins so that though Him you are good enough, but you have to trust Him. So, everytime you start feeling condemned, remember, if I truly was condemned I wouldnt care because God would no longer convict me and the Devil would have already won so why would the devil bother to make me feel guilty if I was already condemned to hell. These bad feelings are good, they mean you are on the right track. Hold on, trust God, say to yourself I dont care how bad I FEEL, I am NOT going to believe these lies because thats all they are, and according to the Bible I am saved, and Gods Word is the ONLY WORD I trust. Get suicide out of your head, even entertaining the though gives the enemy a foot in the door, and the Bible says that the Devil comes to steal, to KILL, and destroy, if you listen to the devil and think about killing yourself you are basically giving the devil exactly what he wants, and nothing would make the devil happier then for you to go to hell, which is exactly what will happen if you kill yourself. Dont let him win. God loves you, He is there, you just gotta believe, even when you dont feel like you can believe anymore, do it anyway. God Bless you friend.

    • JustFoundGod

      I had made a huge mistake (sinning my whole life, practically) and then trying to find God, only to reject it again and slip further into sinning. I have yet to truly know God (because the corruption in the church kept me alone – and still does). I tried not long ago to seek God again and unfortunately I believed lies and fell into the hands of witchcraft. Since then it’s been a horrible spiritual battle for me, as, as soon as I believed their God was the loving God in the bible, I immediately began to feel strange – like possession. Many of my Christian friends or from their church tried to lay hands on me but it seemed to only upset the demon(s) rather than help. One church after a fradulent attempt to put on a show for others stopped their “casting out” and one literally told me God told her to stop. I have to question what God is ruling their church for God to deny me like that?

      Over a few weeks now I have been back and forth on my belief of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I cant deny evil exists with what Im going through, but am having a hard time understanding who the good guy is based on my experiences. Even friends have abandoned me (I forgive them). I am trying to stay firm in my faith now, but am still just now trying to fully accept Jesus. I am tormented 24/7 with demonic voices in my head. Some of them try to encourage me and fight with the others, but I pretty much believe them all to be demonic trying to frustrate and confuse me. It is much worse at night and sometimes when I first wake. I cannot sleep through the night and have baggy eyes.

      The message over and over is the same: Ive given myself to Satan, the Moloch want to torture me, God hates me, All Gods are really Satan (which is my hardest battle because even the bible says Satan rules Earth so its hard for me to understand truth in the book written by man who is led by Satan?), That all my family are demons (they have faith in Jesus), that I will never be forgiven, that its too late that God has already judged me. It commands me to do things Ive already thought in my mind – like if I drop something, I know Im going to pick it up but they yell at me “pick that up b** (or wh**)” If I try to find comfort in the bible, one minute Im led to messages of pain and suffering, then the next peace and forgiveness. Not only do they torture me in my mind, but in my animals too. They make my dogs watch them, follow commands and wink at me.

      I have, gone pretty OCD trying to find relief, but to no real avail. Sometimes I feel in control but 5 minutes later tortured again. I am mostly writing because I have read many other peoples stories and they talk about how they were sinners and repented (as have I MANY times) and their torment went away… some. They say “its been a year and every now and again I am still tormented.” They fail to mention if every now and again is once a day or once a month. But this goes against what Christians are telling me – that if I accept God/Jesus it will stop and I cant be hurt any more. How are these people being tormented (they say they are sticking to their faith) years later still if Jesus has forgiven them? How can we as sufferers stick to a faith that allows continuous torment? Is there a chance we really have already been condemned (people suspect this is the final days RIGHT NOW)? I think its interesting all of a sudden now more and more oppression/possession has been occurring.

      I should mention all the times people prayed over me, I started feeling very evil. I even hissed and spoke funky at people saying weird things. I actually felt like their prayer was giving it power not weakness (which is why I started rejecting Christ again – it made me think Jesus really is the concoction of demons) (forgive me, father). If anyone out there truly started off sinning and experienced this torment (not a Christian strong in faith and tetested) and found God and was able to get rid of the demon(s) completely I would love to hear your story and advice. Im scared that if it continues it WILL take over my emotions and harden me. I know Ive done many wrong things I am absolutely ashamed of, but I know there was good in me, too! I dont want to lose the good.

      Many are saying all religions are false and its all part of the trick of Satan written in the bible that says we will ALL be decieved (I guess by getting us to all worship a false God). I WISH TO BELIEVE THEY ARE WRONG. Yet, there is so much fear in me.

    • Elias

      Could I please get someone’s email so I could email them, Well here’s my story I’m a fifteen year old boy with problems, both psychological and spiritual. I have been frantically searching for hope that I can still be saved for this past week. Then I stumbled upon many good articles such as this one where it offered much encouragement to my soul. I never really knew who my Creator was, but these past couple of days I have been paralyzed in fear and drowned in depression and anxiety with the thought that I was a failure to God and that I was clay that was faulty and needed to be thrown away. But then i read someone comment on a article saying “Even if you knew you could be possibly going to hell, would you still serve God?” After reading that comment I was motivated to serve God even if I was going to hell when I died. I sadly even accepted that I did deserve to go to hell because I deserved it for all the mistakes I made in the past, present and future. The last thing I wanted to do was be used for evil because I did not want to go against my loving, awesome Creator who gave me everything a teenage boy could want even though I was a poor boy in a poor family. Even though I could possibly not ever enter the wonderful Kingdom of God, I still did not want to be used for evil but I wanted to be used for good. And that gave me some peace. But now a new problem arose within me, last night I woke up and this terrible thought came over me, the thought that God was so fed up with me that He made me die in my sleep and that I am now dead and can’t do anything now and its too late for me. Now I lost all hope again and becoming insane with thoughts of just overdosing on drugs or using a knife to just stab my self in the heart to end all this agony.

    • kittie

      Elias, do you know whee the desire to serve God comes from? It comes from God, the Holy Spirit convicts you, Jesus said no man comes to Me except the Father who sent me draw him. You see, The fact that you recognize your need to be forgiven and your need to be saved and have a Savior is your proof that you can be forgiven, because God would not put it on your heart to ask for forgiveness if you could not be forgiven, he would leave you to yourself, allow you to believe lies and believe that everything is fine and that you don’t need forgiveness or that what you’re doing is not a sin, he would not convict you and then not forgive you. I explained this to someone else too and I really feel like God may have put this on my heart, when the unpardonable sin is committed it is not God that changes, God does not turn away anyone who truly asks For forgiveness, it is the person that changes, the person no longer feels conviction they no longer feeling the need to be forgiven. Did you know that one of the devil’s greatest accomplishment was convincing people that God did not exist, because if they believe that God does not exist then they will ultimately never ask for forgiveness and will never be saved and will go to hell when they die, the devil can’t use that on you because you know God exists so he works you at a different angle, if he can get you to believe that you are unforgivable eventually you will become so discouraged that you stop asking for forgiveness and you stop trying because you feel you are hopeless, and then he’s got you, if he can convince you to kill yourself he’s got you, remember this, if the devil truly had you already if you were doom to hell with no chance of forgiveness and well beyond hope, he wouldn’t torment you as much as he does. The devil has been around since before time began he knows how to manipulate people he knows you better than you kmow yourself and he knows every little dirty trick in the book and is a master at the art of deceit he’s the father of lies, and all of this that you feel, the fear is a lie and a trick. I want you to remember that nowhere at anytime was there ever any one in the Bible that asked for forgiveness and was denied, there was no exceptions to the rule, and God does not lie, therefore when Jesus said if any man comes to me I will in no way cast him out, He meant just that, any man, not some men, he said ANY MAN, and that includes you. this is very important that you always remember this, God is not who you think He is, He is not who you feel He is, He is who He says He is. Bless you friend.
      [email protected]

    • Christopher Sadoun

      Jesus died for You You will go to Heaven

      “Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. ” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:32)

      There was the First Aion Age when Jesus was walking the Earth and arguing with the Pharisees, which corresponds to when Jesus said “This age” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:31-32)
      There was the Second Aion Age when Jesus was dead in the tomb, which corresponds to when Jesus said “the age to come” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:31-32)
      There is a the Third Aion Age when Jesus was resurrected alive again and also is the Age when Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit is forgiven and is also the age that we are in now. This age goes on for eternity.

      Thus ALL GO TO HEAVEN and nothing changed about grace.
      Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the term word for unbelief.
      ALL GO TO HEAVEN BECAUSE unbelief is forgiven.

      A Time in the Life of Jesus is an Age because Jesus is God and is that important. Jesus was birthed into life on earth and that is one age. Jesus was birthed into death and that is a second age. Jesus was birthed out of death and that is a third age. The third age goes on forever because Jesus ascended to heaven and did not have to be birthed into heaven.

      “Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. ” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:32)

      Matthew 12:32 is when Jesus canceled the Old Code of the law found in Matthew 12:31.

      “And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:31)

      “Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. ” (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:32)

      In the Third age blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is forgiven along with all sins.

      Jesus died for You You will go to Heaven.
      Jesus died for ALL ALL go to Heaven.


      “Destined For Salvation: Gods Promise to Save Everyone” (Kalen Fristad)
      “Dare We Hope That ALL Men Be Saved: With a Brief Discourse on Hell” (Hans Urs Von Balthasar)

    • Kittie

      See, I dont like it when someone takes a scripture from the Bible and tries to make it mean something else. The Bible says If any man SPEAKS a word against the Holy Spirit he will not be forgiven in the age or the age to come. The Bible also says that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, that is proof that the sin has to be committed in the heart. A slip of the tongue or a bad day where you said something VERY stupid isnt what this is referring to, it is referring to a hardening of your heart that has grown so cold that you says something against the Holy Spirit and mean it, or you say it in hopes of getting others to turn away from God, that is the unpardonable sin. Now, people always say the proof that you have not done this sin is that if you had committed this sin you would not care, but for a long time I thought, how could I not care? I believe in God, I believe in Jesus, and I believe there is a Heaven and a Hell, how could I not care if I really believe there was no forgiveness for me and I was condemned to Hell, but then it came to me, one of those things that you believe or you know deep down in your heart that God spoke to you, God offers forgiveness for anyone who truly repents, accepts Jesus’s gift of salvation and makes Him Lord of their life, Jesus said that if any man come to me I WILL IN NO WAY cast him, there were no exceptions to this, He specifically said IN NO WAY, which means He does not turn away anyone seeking forgiveness and repentance, the Bible also says I am the same, yesterday, today and forever, God does NOT change. The change that comes from committing the unpardonable sin does not happen in God, He is bigger then all of that and He does not change, the Bible says so, the change happens in the person, their heart turns cold, they never ask for forgiveness because God allows them to believe their own lies, that they dont need forgiveness or to turn from their wicked behavior, God allows them to live their life without His conviction because He knows the true state of their heart. If these people would one day want forgiveness God would absolutely forgive them, but that wouldnt happen because they dont feel the need to be forgiven, they REALLY do not care.
      To the person writing about a “third life” is this Biblical or speculation on your part? This life, meaning the life we have right now, and the life to come is referring to the after life, when we will be judged and sent to heaven or hell, there is no third life that I am aware of. We are not guaranteed forgiveness in the after life despite our behavior here, God gives us the choice and YES, God loves us more then we could possibly know, but we chose to do what we did, He doesnt send us to hell, we make the choice everyday and He is in our corner rooting for us all the way, picking us up when we fall, giving us our second wind, easing our pain, giving us the strength to go on, and being our perfect loving Father, but He is a gentleman and will not force us to love Him and follow His will, if we chose to serve ourselves that is our choice, but when you chose the behavior you chose the consequences, while we are alive He offers mercy and grace, and help and patience for us, but when this life ends, there is no more grace and mercy, so grab it now and never let it go.

    • Luiz

      I too, felt this consuming fear.. as most of you know it is like being tossed in a bed full of broken glass, but you only feel it inside.. The fear, the hopelesness, the obsessive thoughts, the avoidance of reading the Word, in fear you might look in to something that condemns you or reminds you of your condidtion. I also was feeling numb, like in a perverse way, everything just felt without any purpose… i kept asking and asking only to sink myself into more fear and despair. It all came to an end when reading a post of reassurance from Debbie, I started crying and asked for forgiveness i became selfess and just wanted to be able to love people and stop taking advantage of them, i cried and cried, I did not even want to open my eyes in fear i would commit another sin or stray away from God… but it all ended. If you find yourself worrying and feeling hopeless, read, listen to songs… be patient GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU. 2 TIMOTHY 2.V 11-13. “this is a faithful saying: for if we died with Him we shall also live with Him if we endure we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He also will deny us If we are faithless He will remain faithful, He cannot deny Himself. Continue without giving up and He won’t give up on you. You will be healed from you anxieties, trust in Him with all your heart and be patient and faithful for He will deliver us. Amen.

    • MacArthur

      the voices have now come back that im starting to read the bible

      smh same blasphemous voice

      now saying god hates me and whispering stuff about the holy spirit

      i really wish i was never born

    • oliver

      thank you for this, but i have a question..i said a badword against the holy spirit but i never meant it or was it ever my will to do it. it’s like i can’t control my mind and suddenly i said it in my mind. i wasn’t mad or sad, it just pop-up
      in my mind. i’m not angry at God, Jesus and the Holy spirit, as a matter of fact i Love the three of them. did i commit an
      eternal sin??:( pls answer pls..:(

      • Ann

        Hi Oliver, no I don’t believe you have committed the unforgivable sin. There are some good & helpful posts on hear, re-read them. God knows your heart & as long as you are repentant, there is yet hope. Keep praying & asking God for his help. He is faithful & just to forgive you! While your hearts soft, keep on going to him to wash & fill you. Keep on calling, crying & praying to him, read & meditate on the word & try to find someone (Godly) to join in prayer with you.

        God bless & strengthen you

    • anonymus

      Basically these are just Opinions

      Does anyone here even hear From God

    • Tonia

      I rejected jesus by first walking away from God because I was angry at Him. Later, after I asked God to forgive me and take me back, I flip flopped into rejecting His grace because I lapsed into believing I needed to be obedient AND accept Jesus properly into my heart. After that I read Hebrews 6:4-6 and became terrified. I was convinced my sin had made me lose Jesus. 3 years later I came to the realization that it was my rejection of the Gospel after I had once believed it that put me in this place. By going backward from freedom in Christ to rejecting Him, I now struggle with this fear that I have definitely blasphemed the Holy Spirit. I don’t want it to be true, but it is. My heart intention was to secure my salvation in Christ because I was now unsure because of all the deliberate sin I had committed. I want to just go back to believing simply and not going day after day in fear that God no longer forgives me. I believe Jesus is the ONLY way. I know I can’t save me, He is the only way. However, I fear I missed the only way and chose another path I am now disallowed to leave. Like Paul said to the Galations if they took the circumcision they would be cut off from Christ and now obligated to fulfill the law themselves.

    • Tonia

      What if I fell from grace and believed in my heart and tried to get saved “properly” by making Jesus Lord through obedience and savior by His blood? I previously had always just believed on Jesus alone for salvation, but after lengthy deliberate sin I questioned whether I was forgiven. So in my attempt to set things right with God to avoid hell, I added works to His salvation. At the moment, I wasn’t thinking “hey I don’t trust Jesus and want to walk on His blood and count it as nothing.” My heart was that I wanted to be right with Him. I now question my motives. It was out of fear of hell I made this rash decision. Since that fateful day, I have not slept well and go in and out of terribke anxiety and fear. I am in the third year of this and pray and hope that God will forgive this sin. However, from what o read in Galations, falling from grace means you are cut off from Christ and now have to fulfill the law yourself (which is impossible). It was a rash and foolish decision on my part. God is good, but some days even now I get angry with Him and myself when I think he hasn’t forgiven me and that I have blasphemed the spirit of Grace. I know my anger is unjust, but it wells up within me. It’s anger that comes from the knowledge that God is able to save but made this rule and anger at myself for breaking the rule and now I possibly am not. I am frustrated and fearful. There are times where I believe I am forgiven and those are good days. Please tell me if there is any hope at all for someone like me in Jesus?

    • Sarah

      My pastor has told me that blasphemy against the spirit cannot be done as Christ is not here in person. Clearly the only unforgiveable sin is dying without accepting Christ. But it’s something I still worry about as I have terrible thoughts. My question is if someone said that the works of the Lord are off the devil could they be forgiven for saying that?

      • Kittie

        In the Bible it says if you SPEAK a word against the Holy Spirit there is no forgiveness for you in this life or the life to come. Having said that, I believe why you said it also is a factor because God can see your heart. I was and sometimes still are tormented by the fear of having committed this sin, I did not speak it, I thought it, and trust me when I say I didnt mean to, I didnt set out to do the unpardonable sin but because I am so afraid of it, the thought is always there. Try not to think of a pink elephant, and if you do you will go to hell, the fear of you doing that and going to hell is so much that you will deliberately try not to think of it, but by doing so you aren’t in advertently thinking of it. What you need to remember is that God knows your heart, he knows what you mean and what you don’t, what was the Devil putting a thought in your head, he knows that you’re afraid of this sin and therefore would never say it or do it but the fact that it’s on your mind scares you just like it does me. Also, in the Bible the Pharisees vet committed the sin we’re trying to influence a crowd of people into turning away from Jesus, the Bible also says its better for you to tie a milestone around your neck and throw yourself off a bridge then to cause one of his little ones to fall, publicly insulting the Holy Spirit is it active hate and therefore I believe if you did commit the sin you would be so cold hearted towards God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit that you would care less that you had done it. remember this, in the Bible there was a group of people that God deemed beyond hope so the Bible says he turned them over to a reprobate mind which means that he stopped dealing with them he stopped convicting them for the sin they were doing and left them alone, and although I’m sure it broke his heart to turn away from them he knew they were never going to repair it and they were lost forever so he stopped dealing with them, God is a gentleman and although he wants your love so much he will not force himself because he gave us a choice and if we choose him it makes him so happy but if we don’t it breaks his heart but he will respect it and stop dealing with us and leave us to our choice, and I believe once he does that we no longer care if we’re right with God, we stop feeling convicted when we sin and grow cold towareting them you do know that there’s a line you shouldn’t cross and willfully crossingI will say this saying those words are nothing you want to play with, because even if you don’t believe that or mean it, you do know that there’s a line you shouldn’t cross and willfully crossing it I believe is something you don’t want to do. You will be okay, He knows your heart. God Bless you.

    • Sarah

      Hi kitties than for ur reply. I haven’t said them words. I haven’t spoken any words about the Spirit but at times they’re constantly in my head cos as uve said ur so scared of it that u continue to think of it. All I know that I love the Lord and want to serve him only. My email is [email protected] if u want to chat.

    • Sarah

      Anyone else having problems viewing comments?

    • Ann

      Hi Sarah.
      Yes I’ve struggled to see them. You have to refresh the page & keep scrolling down (after you click on newer posts).

      Hope this helps

    • Michael

      I’ve read a lot of comments and blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is rejecting God I believe and I commited it in August last year. Either that or sin unto death which ever one I commited my life since then has been in shambles. When you reject spritual life you have stomach problems people look it up. I haven’t been able to feel food in my stomach and throw up every other meal for almost a year. With the sin unto death your death comes 1-2 years after the sentence. I used to be fully involved in church worked 2 jobs was fully active but now I’m gravly sick im dying and I wish I wasnt. I look at websites everyday about sin unto death and blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and with both there’s nothing you can do about neither you areforever cursed!!!!!! I had no idea I could ever reach this point with God I ask for forgiveness every 5 mins I wish I hadn’t crossed that line with God. My emotions are gone and they physical symptoms are like a domino effect everyday I wake up and it’s something new. I’m 26 I wanted to have kids get married live a long life now it’s a 1% chance it’ll happen. Thoughts of suicide always pop in my head. I mean I’m already dying anyway with no chance of recovery because I kept sinning and didn’t repent like a idiot. I don’t wanna die like this why me lord why me. So to others don’t feel bad you’re not in this alone. Feel free to email to futher discuss [email protected]

      • Ann

        Hi Micheal.

        Just wanted to ask if you’ve heard of net burst.
        Here’s the link http://www.net-burst.net/guilty/rejected.htm

        Please read through these, they are so encouraging. These loads more just follow the links, there’s one on being punished by God read them & find hope then pursue God, he’s not partial what he’s done for one he can do for you but fashion it to what you need! How would you feel, if you just gave up & then see the devil & him laughing & mocking you, saying you actually believe him but it’ll be too late! While you still have breath press into Christ! May God be with you &ay you find hope & strength one last time to fight harder then you ever thought possible!
        Remember our God is the God of all impossibilities, he said what’s impossible with man, is possible with God! Ultimately it’s his decision!
        FIGHT the good fight of FAITH!!

      • Ann

        Hi Micheal.

        Just wanted to ask if you’ve heard of net burst.
        Here’s the link http://www.net-burst.net/guilty/rejected.htm

        Please read through these, they are so encouraging. These loads more just follow the links, there’s one on being punished by God read them & find hope then pursue God, he’s not partial what he’s done for one he can do for you but fashion it to what you need! How would you feel, if you just gave up & then see the devil & him laughing & mocking you, saying you actually believe him but it’ll be too late! While you still have breath press into Christ! May God be with you &may you find hope & strength one last time to fight harder then you ever thought possible!
        Remember our God is the God of all impossibilities, he said what’s impossible with man, is possible with God! Ultimately it’s his decision!
        FIGHT the good fight of FAITH!!

    • Michael

      Did I break some rule? Why was my post erased?

      • Ann

        Hi Micheal,
        Your comments are still there! You have to refresh the page & scroll down.

        Micheal, I don’t know your situation or your circumstances but I have an idea. I too defiantly refused to listened to God 14yrs old. I’ve been trying to get him back ever since then. I hate what I did & wish I was never so foolish. But God is supreme, he is might & ready to forgive if we truly want his forgiveness. I’ve gone through trying to get him back, to being extremely angry at him because I couldn’t seem to get back. With the story of Esau plaguing my mind! I also know the devil is a liar & will do anything to stop us from getting our relationship back with God! Keep pleading with him, never ever give up! Don’t you think the devil would love for you to fast track to hell through suicide? I used to get these same thoughts, even up to recently! It’s horrible when you feel like your stuck! Put God!! Though he slay me, yet will I trust me! It’s an up hill fight & battle but one that can be won through the power of Jesus & his shed blood! You/we have to be so willing to yield & obey him. I’m working on this myself! Even if we have to be a Samson. God has mercy on who he chooses to have mercy! He is not willing that any should perish! Stop looking at websites based on how you feel (I know it’s hard!) but try to believe, do everything you can to put your trust back into God! The devil is a liar & a deceiver, he’s done things & put things in my mind & had caused me to believe there was no hope left for me too, every time I seemingly opened the bible I felt immense condemnation. I still struggle but bit by tiny bit it’s getting a little better! It’s persistence & consistency. They go hand in hand! Try not to focus on feels, that’s the devils game, even your sickness. Keep pursuing heaven, continue to call out to The Lord! He is neither deaf or a sleep! He said he is NOT WILLING that any should perish but we all come to repentance! I’m praying for your deliverance. May God have mercy on us. God bless & be with you.

    • Leah

      Last year the King radically changed my life. He changed everything about me. He taught me his love when I had thought Christianity was just a bunch of rules.. I remember raising my hands up in the air and giving Him every part of me… And that was a beautiful surrender that started that day and continued on and on for 6 months…. Constantly in Him…in his presence…in his joy…. Until 3 months ago.. 3 months ago I got mad…I started believing lies from the enemy.. At first it was the worst depression I’ve had in my life….then slowly but surely….it turned into apathy…not caring at all…before, he would control every single thought, feeling and action I had…but slowly, I lost that leading…it started off with the worst spiritual attacks I have ever had…but the thing was…during all of this I was not scared of hell…my whole life I had been scared of hell and that had ultimately drawn me to him and not away..but I stopped having that fear of him… And then I lost my discernment…usually I can tell what people are thinking or feeling..it has been something I think God used to keep me away from people and protect me…but all that stopped… And something else happened… I lost all feeling… It was not depression, I know what that is… It was just loosing any happiness…sadness… Excitement..or even fear…I started doing things and not feeling remorse or guilt…not caring…and not being fearful if I would die….never have I ever before been like this… So yeah… What to even do? I feel no conviction…no guilt…no remorse, no fear, no anything. The only thing I can think of is heaven and hell, and I look at people and wonder if they will go to heaven or hell. That is about it. I really don’t know what to do with the rest of my life now. It has been so long, and I have prayed so much…but I cannot continue to, as I do not feel fire in my heart as I use to, and that knowing of his presence is not there… I use to be so broken over my sin, but now it’s like I don’t even care?? I don’t know who this person is… God has given me chance after chance…sign after sign..but for the first time in my life I was not desperate for him…I held back so much that I am so astray right now. I can’t even remember what it felt like to be held by him…I can’t even recall the amazing things he did with me… What to do now?…I hate being around people who seem to just not care about him…I’d rather be around people who are totally in love with him…although I seemed to have lost sight of him..I am more comfortable around people who are stable in him. …but yeah…I don’t even know what to do…I cannot find joy in anything at all..cannot go back to old things I did, like playing guitar…singing… All those things came from my heart, and nothing inspires me… people are praying for me right now.. If only I had followed his leading ..

    • Melanie G.

      Thank God I thought I had blasphemed and I was freaking out but I read this and something else and I know if you are worried 99.9% percent of the time you haven’t. I repented just in case and I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOO RELIEVED NOW AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Anonymus

      i received a word from God through someone i shared this with…. and this is someone in my church who is sold out for christ. who has also been harassed by Satan. the Lord told her the scriptures i need to read and also this is happening to me so that i can recongnize the voice between him and the enemys voice

      and that this will end

    • Gary

      so i can stop liveing in panic now?

    • anon

      my former pastor sent me a email that has me once again confused. he says ” I believe that you are free of the unpardonable sin.”

      i dont understand what he means by that. smh

      • Kittie

        Free, as in not bound by, he is trying to tell you he believes you did not commit this sin.

    • Paul Annan

      What about you uttered a word unintentionally and u felt dat word is not good and u confess but still feeling guilty dat are doomed? E.g If someone is owning u and u want to take your pastor with you to collect your money, and u are about to say as for a pastor He’s cool so he will not be harsh on the person, but instead u said as for my pastor he’s cool so he will speak in tongues when we get there unintentionally, will u be forgiven by God? Please help me out.

    • Paul Annan

      What about you uttered a word unintentionally and u felt dat word is not good and u confess but still feeling guilty dat are doomed? E.g If someone is owning u and u want to take your pastor with you to collect your money, and u are about to say as for a pastor He’s cool so he will not be harsh on the person, but instead u said as for my pastor he’s cool so he will speak in tongues when we get there unintentionally, will u be forgiven by God? Please help me out. Thanks.

      • kittie

        While we can say thing that God may convict us over, that doesnt mean its unforgiveable. If it was unintentional God knows, repent aand try not to do it again. If it was intentional from what you have said the comment you made is not the unpardonable sin. Also, the unpardonable sin is something that is committed in your heart not by your mind. If you love him and you’re truly say he knows, and had you truly done this then you wouldn’t feel sorry you probably shouldn’t wear much of anything towards God. It’s just the devil trying to make you panic like he’s made many of us, it’s an awful feeling to have but this can be overcome. you just have to remember that the Lord has not given us a spirit of fear but of peace love and a sound mind. God bless you friend.

    • Tonia

      To all who fear they have lost Jesus forever….you haven’t.

      I went through a horrible experience in 2013 until around March of this year. 2 years. I had willfully sinned and walked away from God in my past. I spent 4 years rebelling and willfully living like I had no God. 2 years after returning is when the trouble began.
      I read those scriptures which can cause fear. I like many of you, fell into a tailspin of utter terror. The anxiety and fear rose up and controlled my life. I was certain I had lost Jesus, was hell bound and was losing mind as well. This was condemnation at its ugliest. For 4 years I had foolishly given the devil ammunition to use against me. And as I turned back to God, I was blindsided by a barrage of attacks under which I couldn’t stand. I fell over and over into despair and confusion.
      But, somewhere deep down inside was this knowing. I didn’t know how, but I knew the way. Jesus. I knew that turning away again was not the answer, but wasn’t sure how to turn back to God and mostly, how to completely trust Him.
      In these past two years I faced. Struggle that I was unable to overcome and through, prayer, reading my bible, going to church and continually calling out to God He changed me. I learned the following in the process:
      1. God never changes. He is absolutely reliable. Hebrews 6:17:19 Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath,
      18 that by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might[fn] have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us.
      19 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil,
      2. God loves me. His goal is not to send me to Hell. His goal is to get me to realize how much He loves me, to trust Him and to call upon Him for my every need. He wants me to KNOW Him as my everything. Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

      3. The very things I am fearing are the very things God wants me to come to Him about. Phillipians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
      7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
      4. It’s never too late. The very fact you want to return to God, regardless of your motives, He is there to take you back. Now He won’t leave you in a place of wrong motives, and I truly believe this whole thing is about that. As God peels back the layers of hardness in your heart, it’s a process involving pain and joy.
      I learned to hold onto Him, to be consistent and have faith no matter what my past was, no matter what thoughts were screaming at me. I learned to lay down me and let God do the work in me.
      I know many reading this will be thinking, “I wish I could believe all those good scriptures apply to me but I feel outside of those blessings. I’m not worthy.” Or “there are other scriptures that say I am hopelessly lost, so none of Gods promises can apply” or “how can God loves me still and forguve me when I knew better?” I know, I heard them all.
      Stick with it, get prayed for continually, pray to God continually, ask Jesus to remove the things in your heart that don’t need to be there. And whatever angry emotion, thought or feeling you have toward God that you know you aren’t supoosed to have, don’t try to NOT have it. Take it to Him. Tell Jesus that you have read in His word this or that is wrong to think of Him, but no matter how hard you try, you think wrongly. Ask Him to change your mind and heart on whatever subject matter. And then wait. Because He will!
      For salvation justufucation is immediate, but the sanctification of the saints is a process if transformation. I used to get hung up on the miracle stories of others. Wondering why I wasn’t transformed into a new person immediately. And God spoke to that to me. In death, some people die immediately and ithers die slowly. He knows what’s best for each of us and how to work it all out. So some of us die a slow painful death to the flesh and others die to the flesh immediately. I would rather it quickly, but due to ky rebellion, I am clearly more stubborn and stuff necked. Read the old testament and you will see how stiff necked the Israelites are and how God continues to be faithful, love them and constantly call them back to Him. He wants you more than you want Him and one day in your walk you will know that you NEED Him more than anything else. God bless all of you and don’t give up. Keep calling, keep standing, keep getting back up. Never let go because He hasn’t let go of you!

      • Ann

        Thank you so much Tonia, for your input. It is such a help! I’ve been trying to return to God for 14 years until, I started to believe he didn’t want me but remembering his love, before my wilful sin, has kept me trying! I’ve struggled to be consistent & many times thought I was going to lose my mind too, in fact I still go through that. It’s horrible & it’s been hard to keep trying to hold on. I have thought I’d never be freed etc… But I trying to hope in the God of impossibilities. The double mindedness is such a horrible pain. I find myself desiring God but then I find myself not wanting him so much & feeling like I’ve been outside for so long part of me can’t be bothered. Yet still, a small hope still pushes me to keep going, a tiny speck of hope of being revived & having Gods love & reverenial fear fill me again is such a beautiful hope & even an expectation too. Reading testimonies like yours, helps to strengthen that hope. Even though I find myself yo yoing! I hate where I am but the foolish thing is at the same time I’ve been stuck here so long I’ve become used to it, although I hate it! I feel so zapped & I suppose part of the problem has been trying to believe God actually wants me & my wilful sin can be forgiven. But I am hoping & waiting one full deliverance. It’s so hard when I try to read because either I feel that the people being spoken of (Jude) the people going around like clouds with no substance or having that form of godliness but denying the power & because of those things it makes it so hard to believe God loves me because, I feel like I fall into the reject category many times over! It’s a constant see saw I’m on, trying to find hope & that anchor in Christ but then seeing every reason why I most definitely don’t deserve anything from him. Also that rebelliousness is still trying to rule too! I’m so fed up with myself, yet I don’t feel fed up enough! I need to be truly broken & I can’t seem to find that place of full repentance, which is driving me crazy! How can you hate where your at but feel comfortable at the same time? I hate this lethargic attitude!

      • Wendy

        Hey Tonia my name is Wendy and I am so scared that there is no hope for me and that I have lost my salvation. My heart feels hard and I have no conviction of sin. I honestly don’t know what to do now and feel doomed to hell. I’m actually scared to go to sleep for fear of waking up in hell. I want nothing more but to be forgiven but I don’t feel God’s forgiveness. I just don’t know what to do anymore.

        • C Michael Patton

          Wendy. This is Michael. I would love to talk to you. There is hope. You are not alone. Text me.


          I’m the guy who wrote the post.

    • lori

      When u say the lords name in vain cuss Jesus out and say the holy spirit sucks is that blasphemy or is rejecting Jesus all my life blasts blasphemy

    • Tony

      So I’ve been freaking out lately. I’m scared that I committed the unpardonable sin. This is what happened:
      Thoughts (that I don’t want to think of) come to my mind and start saying the the Holy Spirit and its works are demonic. I try my best to resist them and if I can’t, I put the truth in front of these lies. I know the truth about the Holy Spirit and I will not get fooled. I think it’s satan that’s trying to fool me by putting in my head all these thoughts. I believe with my heart that Jesus is the Lord and that he came to this world to die for our sins. I believe with my heart the the Holy Spirit is Godly and not demonic.


    • Tony

      I also try to convince myself that I have not committed the sin because I’m defending the Holy Spirit with the truth. Am I right?

    • Unsure scared

      i need prayer. these blasphemous voices have once again returned. and ever since the Lord led me to a church and on the same day spoke to me through someone about me sharing HIS GOSPEL. these voices and visions and thoughts have returned. and they keep saying stuff against the holy spirit. and now are accusing jesus of “committing” the unpardonable sin” and now accusing my pastor

      please pray for me because this is becoming so over welming to me and sometimes has me not knowing what to do

    • chris

      ive been feeling eternally lost for the past year. i can not explain some of the experiences i have experienced, but they were very profound, freeing, and an experience unlike the experiences of this world, beyond myself. i felt a deeper connection to god that i never thought imaginable. i felt i died, went to heave, and all i could see was god everywhere i looked, every person, every action going on was formless love, compassion and peace, yet after some time in this state of mind i felt myself being pulled back out against my will, and its been very frighting to live after this experience. its been disorienting, and i feel as though i may have been living against god, because i do not know where i stand, or what this means after being deeply connected to god, i find myself getting caught back into the world in attempts to understand the world, god and myself, yet i always feel alienated. at times, i feel stuck in sin and don’t catch onto it, until after it, but when i catch myself in a sin, its too late, cause i find myself in another sin. its not that the sins are intentional, i just feel like the mind runs circles, it feels impossible to come back to god in full, and there is this constant urge to kill myself, but even then i would feel lost. what hurts, is that there is so much that i know of the higher self, but because i feels stuck, disoriented, i feel trapped from putting the knowledge into works of grace, and all i can keep thinking about is how aweful this feels, and that i just want to escape! i want to escape and become free to love in god, i need to experience and be able to spread god’s love, and be ingolfed in it, for god, but this feeling of frustration feels counter productive to grace. it feels like if grace is to be grace, it should be delivered with grace, not this animalistic feeling of energy, but i feel like i need to rip out of my skin! i just want this to end! i need release! i love god too much, but do not feel that i am expressing god’s love enough in myself. i feel like i need to die, but i can’t bring myself to killing myself because that would do no good either. i need god to destroy me! i want god to destroy these feelings so i can live!

    • Ethan

      Before I accepted Christ as my lord and savior I was so skeptical about Jesus. I was wondering how he could be the messiah. and I was so skeptical that I accused Jesus of being the devil in disguise. Now I’ve accepted him as my lord and savior a year ago and I don’t believe that anymore. I believe that he really is who he said he is and I believe it all! but I still feel worried and I couldn’t believe that I accused Jesus of being the devil and I feel really worried. Am I forgiven for such a claim? did I commit blasphemy of the holy spirit? I am sincerely worried!

      • Ann

        Go back & read some of the comments. All your sins have been forgiven!!
        If God is willing to forgive those who’ve said & done awful things after becoming a Christian, then how much more you, who said that before being saved?
        The devil is a liar, in fact the bible says he is the father of lies. He comes to kill, steal & destroy.

    • Chris B.

      This year has been the worst for me so far. I’ve been having blasphemous, intrusive, and awful thoughts about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I do have some of the symptoms of OCD, anxiety, and depression. I will be seeing a doctor soon for diagnosis. At the moment, I feel lost and scared with my life. My mind feels like an unreality at times, doubt, and it feels like my faith has been robbed from me. I don’t really feel normal anymore either. I’ve been having mood swings ranging from sadness to anger at times, uncontrollable urges, and I also feel alone. I feel like I’m unforgivable and doomed because of the awful thoughts I’m having. I don’t want these thoughts but they feel forced in my mind. Is it me, or is it OCD along with some anxiety disorders? What should I do?

      Please help.

    • Rijo Abraham

      Thank you for this wonderful post. Jesus Christ is my Lord and My Salvation. He is my Redeemer and My Refuge.
      He is my Light and the Way and in him will I find Life Eternal. I also believe that the Lord would be coming back soon and his days are very near.

      All who read this message, please pray for me that the fire of Holy Spirit continuously ignite in me and that I have victory over all corrupted thoughts and corrupted words do not flow out of my mouth. I may use my words to speak about the Gospel of the Lord and to spread the light I have received to many who live in darkness even today.

      For this day of harvest and we need to harvest every good crop.

      Lord let thy grace me always upon me and the four words always run through my mind and heart ” Jesus Christ is my Lord, My God!!!!


    • Wendy

      Hey Tonia my name is Wendy and I am so scared that there is no hope for me and that I have lost my salvation. My heart feels hard and I have no conviction of sin. I honestly don’t know what to do now and feel doomed to hell. I’m actually scared to go to sleep for fear of waking up in hell. I want nothing more but to be forgiven but I don’t feel God’s forgiveness. I just don’t know what to do anymore.

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