Francis Beckwith was asked a question concerning the emerging church and abortion. It occurred here at about 73 minutes into the broadcast (listen to it)....
Here is the situation: We are born with a propensity, bent, inclination to sin. Therefore, we cannot help but sin – it is our nature. Yet when we do act according to...
Continuing with our subject of the difficult doctrine of imputation, we now move to an interpretation of Romans 5. The question has come down to this: Is it possible that...
In the last post we discussed the problem of Original Sin, especially from an Evangelical Reformed perspective. Are we condemned for the sin of another. Let’s get some...
The concept of “Original Sin†has long been a vital part of Christian Orthodoxy yet is being challenged and redefined by many in the Church today. Even conservatives are...
Recent polls indicate that the majority of Americans are pro-choice with regards to abortion. This is interesting considering that similar polls tell us that the majority of...
Tonight I was perusing Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem.? Its a 500+ page volume, and my copy is personally signed by Wayne, To...
Considering the blog about God’s purpose for creating us, I thought that I would remind everyone (including myself) not to forget to enjoy life. If I am right, and...
“Yahoo! Answers” has posted their year end best questions list. Stephen Hawking took first place with his meta-anthropological/eschatological question “How can the human race...
Why this blog? Because of recent question, comments, confusions, and disputes concerning the Humanity and Sin course’s session on the “Constitution of Man”...